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Being the new greenie was tough. Especially when you were the only girl at the Glade. No friends. No one to talk to. No one who could help you with your lady problems. I have never felt so helpless in my life before. Well, if I could remember my life.

But all those things changed after two weeks. Newt, the boy who showed me around on my first day, became my first real friend here. I worked with him in the gardens and we spend almost every second together. That was until one of the builders, his name was Ben, attacked Thomas. Out of all gladers, out of all the other runners, I was the first person to arrive at the two fighting boys...

The next day while I was eating my breakfast Minho took a seat beside me. I eyed him surprised. "Yesterday," he began, "that was very impressive." I felt myself blushing because of this compliment. "That was nothing." "I think you've got what it takes to be a runner," he continued without breaking the eye contact, "you're fast and persistent." "But my place is between vegetables, flowers and weed. Zart and Newt need me in the gardens." "They handled them pretty well before you got here so I think they'll also handle them pretty well now. Besides we need another runner." "But..." He cut me off. "No protesting. I'm the keeper and I want you in my team." It was pointless to argue with him. He was the keeper, he made the decisions. As he stretched out his hand I accepted it. "Guess I'm in then."


Six months had passed since then and I'm glad I gave in to Minho and agreed to become a runner. I absolutely loved it. Looked like exploring the maze was my destiny.

Not only had my job changed but also my feelings towards some of the gladers. I wasn't the outsider anymore. For the first time I recognized I had something like a family. People who cared about me. Minho and Thomas behaved like they were my two older brothers while Chuck was the little one. Gally was the annoying cousin nobody seemed to like and Alby took over the father's role. Of course I had some uncles like Frypan, Jeff and Zart too. Then there was Newt who couldn't be counted in in my family. The friendly feelings had turned into love. There was no denying it. After a long night of staring at the stars I decided to tell him. The very next day. I didn't want to lose any more time.

I was on my way to the west doors in the early morning hours. It was still dark, only a few rays of sunshine broke through the clouds. Almost every glader was still sleeping in his hammock. Except from Newt who limped towards me. I stopped and waved. He had a good sense of timing. "Hi. What are you doing here?" "Thought I'd bring you something to eat before you head off to find a way out of this hellhole." He handed me a little bag. "Thanks," I eyed it warily. "There is nothing wrong with it," he assured me slightly smiling.

"Uhm whatever. I'm glad you're here because I need to talk to you." He walked over to the doors slowly and leaned against the cold stone. "Go for it." "We know each other for some time now." "For some long time, yes. I miss you in the gardens. It isn't the same without you." "That's exactly what I need to talk about. Working in the gardens had really brightened my day. But that wasn't because of the gardening, it was because of you." "What?" He cocked his head to the side uncomprehendingly. "I like you, shank." "You," he pointed at me. "Like me?" He pointed at himself in total disbelieve. "Don't act so surprised," I hit his arm playfully. "It wasn't that unobtrusive. Everybody knows." "You mean... that's why everybody hit on you over the last two weeks!" "They tried to make you jealous. Yes, mastermind." "God, I'm such an idiot."

"You mean, you like me too?" Seductively I bit my lip and made a step forward. His eyes wandered from my eyes to my lips and back again. "Shuck it." The fast movement made me squeak. His strong arms wrapped around my waist, pulled me into him and suddenly his lips were on mine. The feeling was overwhelming. Unfortunately we had to depart way too early.

Minho followed by Thomas jogged towards the now opened doors. "Morning, love-birds. Sorry for interrupting but we have to go. (Y/N)." I slightly shook my head to clear my mind. "Right. Then what are we waiting for?" Thomas led us. Minho and I stuck to his heels.

"See you tonight?" Newt shouted after me. "You can count on me. I love you." "I love you too," his voice was barely more than a whisper. We rounded the first corner.

Newt's pov

"Where in the world are they?" I paced back and forth counting the seconds until they finally will appear in our visual fields. Alby grabbed my arm. "Calm down. There are still a few minutes left. They'll make it." "What if not? I can't lose her, Alby."

The few minutes turned into a few seconds. The doors already began to rumble. "Somebody has to go and search for them," my voice gained volume. With every passing second I became more restless and desperate. Gally who sat on the floor shook his head. "That's against the rules. Either they make it or not." "Come on, (Y/N)," I mumbled. "Don't do this to me."

As if on cue Thomas and Minho stumbled around the corner. Immediately the gladers jumped up and screamed their names to encourage them. Everybody except me. Something was wrong. Where was (Y/N)? "What happened? Where is she?" "Newt," Thomas avoided eye contact as he stopped in front of me to catch his breath. "Where the shuck is she?" I hissed through gritted teeth. "We're so sorry. We couldn't do anything to help her."

"She's dead?" The words left my mouth without any emotion. "She is gone?" "We really tried to save her but the griever was all over her." "So you abandoned her to her fate?" "No, Newt..." I cut him off. "You left her out there, alone. While she was dying!" "Listen," Minho lifted his hand to shut me up.

"No, you two listen now. It was your assignment to shucking protect her and you failed. You didn't only let her down but me too!" "We understand that you are mad now," Minho started another attempt to make me listen. "And you have to understand that we did everything to keep her safe. It just wasn't enough."

I snorted while clenching my fists. "I'm not mad." "You're not?" "I'm literally out of my shucking mind! The most important thing in my life is gone forever! I loved her! She was the one to draw me out of the darkness after I jumped. She was my light that's now dead!" Tears welled in my eyes. "Newt, it wasn't their fault," Alby barged in.

Gally pointed at the blue sky. "The ones to blame are up there watching our every move. They created the monsters. It's your turn now to show them that her death wasn't for nothing." Silence fell over us. Gally's words echoed in my dizzy mind. Slowly I grasped that he was right. I shouldn't wreak my anger and sadness on them. I should wreak them on the creators. The cowardly bastards who sent us here.

"What are we going to do now?" Chuck asked unsurely. "We'll find a way out, for (Y/N) and then the creators will shucking pay for their deeds." Approving shouts rang out. Minho patted my slightly trembling shoulder. "We'll revenge her, mate. You'll see." I sniffed. "She would be proud of us."

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