Chapter 20

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Class was actually fun today but unfortunately some bitch had to ruin it.

Lola and her boyfriend, well you all know who.

"I heard that you attack my girl here"

Lola smiles when he say that.

Argh I say in my head and roll my eyes
"Excuse me please"

"No your not going anyway until you answer my question"

"Well you heard wrong,she started it by attack me may I add chatting so much shit. If you excuse because I answered your question."

Josh moves out the way but then Lola grabs my arm.

"Tell the truth!" Lola say still having a grip on my arm.

She turn to face Josh.

"She's lying to you Jo"

I pull my arm out of her grip.

"Get off me,I have other places to be."

Josh was deciding whether to believe his girlfriend or me. But I toke this as a chance to leave.

Josh then pushes me into the wall.

"I don't believe you!"Josh say a bit frustrated.

I laugh" okay believe who you want but can I go please?"

Yes I know I might be pushing it a bit here.

"No!" He speaks angry.

I sign.

"Sorry Lola"

He then let me leave.

"Sorry Lola that you are hoe." I say.

Josh face turn red. Lola gasp.

I walk out the door leaving them.

I then sign and run my hand though my hair.

I then hop on the bus.

"What toke you so long?" Liz questioned

"Lola and Josh"

"Oh,what for ?"

"Because of today."

She laugh" Yh , that was funny."

We talk for a bit about hair styles.

I might dye my hair. I'm not sure.

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