Chapter 31

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Naomi PoV

"Shawn,what does your sister mean by no they won't?"

"They won't care if she here!" Shawn say angrily

"But why won't they, they are her-I mean your parents."

"Look Naomi they won't care because my mum went into a coma yesterday,and Terry he can go and fuck him self! He don't deserve the title dad." Shawn say angry running his hand though his hair once he had finished.

I had been so selfish thinking about my self all these past 2 week when I didn't realise that Shawn had way bigger problems then me and was hitting it is hard.

The worst part of it all, I have been shitty girlfriend for not supporting him when he needed me the most.

Specially when he bottles it all up and I have to beat it out of him.

I try to calm Shawn down by holding him in my arms.

I didn't want to lie to him that everything would be okay.

"Your not alone in this okay?" I whisper calmly to him.

"That's how it feels, and I don't know what to do."

"Ssh you will somehow."

After Shawn had calmed down.I kiss him then head towards the stairs.

"I'm going to check on Rose okay?"

Sadness masked his face. Then turned back to his normal self. Didn't say anything just nodded.

I need to apologise to Rose. I have be acting like a total bitch to her.

I knock on the door.

"Come in"

"Rose are you okay?" I questioned.

She sitting up in the bed,looking quite panicked.

"Yh just a bad dream."

"Oh okay"

There was silence as I walk to her bed.

"Rose, I'm so sorry about your mum and I'm also sorry for acting like a total bitch toward you. It isn't fair. I don't hate or dislike you. I want you to know that." I smile at her

"Okay?" I questioned.Rose was taken back at what she just heard but still Remember to reply.

"Mm" Rose hums as she nods her head.

I pull her into a hug but Rose with draws her self with pain written all over her face.

Shawn is standing in the door way and notices this.

"Rose what's wrong?"Shawn question with worry.

"Nothing. Just a-"

"Bullshit."He says angrily.

I didn't understand what was going.

"It probably just a bruise. Don't stress."

But Shawn ignores me.

"Lift up the back of your top!"

I see fear written all over Rose face.
As she lifts up the top.

Shawn looks at it.His widen in shock.Then holds his hand in to fists.


"Because I didn't want to make matters worse Shawn that's why!" Rose shouts.

"How can-!" Shawn pauses.

"Because I'm the one causing them." Rose says not looking her brother in the eyes.

I really didn't get what the fuss was about. They had clearly forgotten that I was still here. Make what matters worse. Shawn is hiding more then he's telling me.

"That's what you think? , your to blame for what that monster has done."

"Your not to blame Rose don't ever think that." Shawn says calmly before exiting the room.

Rose is not to blame for what. Who is this monster and what has he done?

Rose has tears pouring out her eyes.
"No, I'am to blame for this ." She whispered.

I came off the bed and went to see what had happen on Rose back.

I gasp at what I had saw it was long red mark down her back. It started to swell as well.

I held Rose while she crying.

"Who did this to you?"

She shakes her head. More tears pouring then I remember what Shawn had said earlier.

I know who they where talking all made sense.

I then dampen Rose back.
I then went downstairs to cook some dinner. I didn't see Shawn anywhere so I guess he went out for some air.

I called Rose downstairs once dinner was done.Me and Rose where chatting and laughing. It was great to get to know her more.

Shawn strolled into the kitchen.
I get up and give him his food.

"Thank you" He says and kisses me in the cheeks.

Me and Rose resume our conversation so it was not awkward. After a while Shawn joined in.

Dinner was peaceful and we all tried to avoid the topic from early.

Broken By Shootingstarlight13Where stories live. Discover now