Chapter 22

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I woke up to see the sheets on the floor. I start to cry yet again. I was in shock about yesterday and still hated my self.

I wipe the tears from my eyes. I swing my legs off the bed. I then take the sheets and head downstairs. I put them in the washing machine.

I take out new sheets and put them on the bed.

I then head to bathroom to shower.
I couldn't get the images of what happen out my head. It just keeps replaying.

I quickly got dressed and grab my bag and headed out the door.

I didn't really feel in the mood for school.

I jumped on the bus but not speaking a word to Liz. I then went straight to my locker and to my first lesson.

I wasn't playing attention in any of lesson. It replaying over an over in my head. His hands and lips on me.
I kept thinking that it's my fault because I didn't do anything to stop him. What I could of done?

I didn't even take part in dance. I skipped,staying the girls bathroom.

Then it was lunch time. I was holding my books in my hands when Lola tripped me up. My books went flying to ground in a pile.

I wasn't even in the to deal with her.

"Go away Lola" I heard Ashton say as he stood in front me.

She just stands not moving while I gave up my books.

"Piss off Lola" Ashton says now annoyed.

"Let's go Lola." One of friends called Mia said.

Mia walk off with the other two tagging along.

I stand there with my books in my hand.

"Are you okay?" He asked worried
Stay I just nod my head trying desperately not to cry.

"Are you sure?"

I nod again.

I turn away from him heading toward the canteen. A tear escape my eye I just wiped it away.

I waited for Ashton to catch up.

"Thank you" I spoke then headed to get lunch.

I went and sat down at the table not saying a word to any of them.

I tried to eat some of my Lunch but failed. I tried to start a bit of talk on the table.

"Hey" I say forcing a smile.

"Are you okay?" Ashton asked

I just nod my head.

"You really haven't sad a word all day. "

"Are you sure?" Ashton asked again

I then shake my head.

"No,not really" I reply close to tears.

"What's wrong?"Ashton says now clearly worried.

Before tears spilled from my eyes. I made a run for it towards the toilet.

I couldn't take this no more. It's my fault, I was raped. I didn't do anything to stop him.

I was now in the toilet.crying the tears wouldn't stop no mater how much I tried.

Broken By Shootingstarlight13Where stories live. Discover now