Ch. 5 A Ball and the Beach

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"Come on, Sadie Belle, let's get something to eat." A beautiful girl says to me as she stands from the table. I stand to follow her and almost trip over my own feet. Looking down, I realize I am wearing heels and, worst of all, a beautiful ball gown. It has a full poofy skirt of sapphire blue, while the bodice is a light silver color with sapphire blue embellishments. After taking a few more cautious steps I had grown used to the heels and walk steadily towards the dining hall. The three grand tables stand perfectly centered, people already filing to their seat. The girl and I sit together at the middle table and I have yet I to catch her name.

Across from us are, I presume, her friends. Somehow they manage to keep conversation going and understand it all without mentioning any names. Unbelievable!

I was out of it, completely. Sitting there picking at my food while all the girls talked made it a very long dinner.

Suddenly, my chair started scooting backwards and I let out a little squeal before looking for the cause. A black shoe was hooked around the back leg, and, as I seek the owner, my I come face to face with a boy my age.

Glancing back at the group of girls, it appears that they either haven't notice my disappearance or don't care. The boy slides my chair again, causing me to put my attention on him again.

After looking at him more closely, I realize that he is quite charming. Sandy blonde hair falls upon his forehead, just above light sky blue eyes. His chiseled, golden features make his dazzling white smile stand out. The bridge of his nose is slightly crooked and he has full, girlish lips, and it all comes together to make him perfectly imperfect, and handsome at that.

"Ello, mate!" He says in a false Australian accent.

"G'day mate, 'ow are you?" I play along with a fake accent as well.

He drops the facade with a chuckle, "I'm very well. And you?"

"I'm good."

He smiles as the music begins to play in the other room again. "May I have this dance?" He extends his hand, palm up, to me.

Placing my hand in his, I reply, "I'd be honored."

He leads me to the ball room, as the thought flits through my mind that reminds me: I can't dance! He realizes this too, as I accidentally step on his foot. "You aren't from here, are you, madam?"

"No, I'm not," I giggle as I finally get the steps right.

"What is your name?" I ask as he gazes at me thoughtfully.

"Prince Damien of Galmetar." He studies me once more, "And yours?"

"Sadie Belle of... America?" It comes out questioningly.

He smiles at me, looking at me as if with new eyes, "Beautiful name. I once new a girl with the name Belle. But she married this beast of a man and he honestly scared me away." he chuckles, laughing at his own joke.

My feet follow his lead instinctively as we parade around the ballroom, making quite a production. I notice a few of the girls I was sitting near eyeing me with jealousy. I would be jealous, too, had I not been the one dancing with him.

"So, Prince Damien," I pause, adjusting to the new name and title, "How did you come to dance with a girl of such lower ranking."

He just shrugs. "A persons status does not concern me. You were pleasant on the eyes and looked rather bored. Oh, and you needn't call me Prince Damien. Damien suits me well, but I am required by my father to introduce myself with the title."

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