An Around-the-World Cruise

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Hola! The first chapter! Picture to the side is of Shay! 


Chapter One

An Around the World Cruise

“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” – Albert Einstein

"Congratulations, dear!" my mother and father proudly bellowed before they engulfed me in a bear hug.

I grinned as my arms wrapped around them on instinct, "Thank you."

After another peaceful five minutes of embracing, my parents pulled away with wide smiles on their faces. "Guess what we got you?" my dad asked, smiling brightly.

"You didn't have to get anything," I said, even though I wanted a gift really badly.

"Nonsense, honey!" my mom waved her hand delicately, "Now guess."

"Um, a kindle?" I asked, hopefully.

"Oh, you and your bizarre obsession with books, but no," my father supplied the answer.

I thought harder, " apartment?"

My mom frowned, "Do you honestly want to move away from us that quickly? You just barely graduated."

"No, mom, I never want to leave you. I was just asking." I quickly covered up before they felt offended.

My mom's grin went back to being full-blown and her gray eyes twinkled with delight, "Good! Hurry up and guess!"

"Now, honey," my dad objected, "we both know she's too stupid to get the right answer, so we might as well tell her."

I glared venomously at my dad as he turned towards me and put his hands up in surrender, "I'm just stating my opinion, sweetie. It's a free country."

I rolled my eyes at my dad and his free country-ness. How he's always going on about his 'natural rights' and 'freedom of speech' every time he insults someone.

"Okay, I can't keep it in any longer!" mom cried, looking ready to run around the whole house twenty times, "We bought tickets to go on an around-the-world cruise!"

My eyes widened to the size of shiny quarters as I took in my mom's words. Cruise...all around the world...escape...

That's what it sounded like it to me. Escape.

I screamed at the top of my lungs and started jumping up and down, not being able to contain my excitement. I hopped up to my mom and wrapped my arms around her. "When are we going?" I shouted right by her ear.

"Don't try to make me deaf!" my mom yelled.

"Yes, please don't make her anymore deaf! I can't shout that loud!" my dad begged from behind me.

"Wait!" I pulled away from my mom, "Before you guys start another one of your pointless fights, can someone answer my question?"

"What was your question again?" my father asked, his azure eyes looked befuddled.

"Ha!" my mom interjected before I could say anything, "If I'm deaf, then you're forgetful!"

"Oh yeah?" my dad challenged.


"Then why don't you tell me what Shay's question was, Mrs. I'm-Better-Than-You."

My mom's face turned red as she tried to recall the question I had asked her.

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