Our New Home

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After we got settled in a bit, the furniture people dropped off the couches and beds that my father and I had to move. I wasn't that strong, nor have I lifted something that was this big. My father on the other hand went to the gym at least 5 time a week, I mean have you seen his biceps? My father made it seem like it was light work or something.

"All we have to do is move those two couches over there, bring those three beds upstairs and then
we should be about finished."

"Dad, how long do you think this will take?" I asked

" Maybe an hour and a half at most. If you don't whine then we should be done sooner than that." My father replied

I knew for a fact that this would take a very long time because I was going to whine the whole time. Then it hit me

"Hey dad, why don't I just teleport all the furniture to our rooms, and all we have to do was move the couches?"

My father stood in complete silence contemplating the idea.

"No, absolutely not! You shouldn't even have them."

"But dad, it would make things easier."


" Okay dad, I'm sorry."

"Eli, I didn't mean to snap at you it's just... after you got hit by that beam and I saw you  on the floor unconscious, I didn't know what to do, and it was all my fault. That's why I moved here, to start a new life and to forget about the past."

" I know how you feel dad, I didn't want to move either. I miss our old home."

" I do too. Now, let's get this show on the road!

When we were finished, my back was sore and my knees felt like they were going to snap. I was so tired that I went straight to bed and it was only eight o'clock. My bedtime is nine so it wasn't that early. Besides, tomorrow is Saturday, so I should be able to sleep in.

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