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i honestly just rewrote the whole thing bc it was so bad and cringey skskdkdk

A sigh left your mouth as you waited for your boyfriend, Kite, outside of a small shopping center. He apparently had something special to tell you, which was quite odd since he never found anything special.

'He better not be pranking me,' you though to yourself grumpily, 'I'll have his head on a platter if he is.' As if on cue, you heard Kite yell your name. You turned around quickly and forced a smile on your face.

"Kite! Did you know that it's 9 am and I could be sleeping right now?" he just rolled his eyes at your comment. "I think you'll wanna see what I have," he said, referring to a large brown box in his grasp.

Upon reaching you, he set the box down. "Open it!" he said, rushing you to see the surprise inside. "Yeah, yeah. I'm going egghead," you shot back, trying to figure out how to open the box. "Look, just open it there," Kite said, referring to an opening in the brown packaging. You complied and opened the box to see a puppy.

"You've got to be kidding me," you said in disbelief, "you said you hated dogs?" A smile lit up on his face, "I lied." Letting out a squeal of delight, you picked up the small creature and cradled it in your arms. a/n: we had a bonding moment, i cRadLed yoU iN my aRms

The whole day was spent with you giving all the affection in the world to the puppy. Kite made it apparent he was jealous a few times during the day, but didn't have the heart to take away your time with the dog.

"Ah! Come here puppy!" you said as you were sat on the ground of the flat you lived in, arms outstretched for the ball of fluff to run into. Unfortunately, you had already worn out the puppy long ago, so instead of coming to you, he went to the small plush bed he was given earlier.

A small laugh came from the boy sitting on the couch next to you. "It isn't funny!" you said with a small smile. You jumped up from the floor and jumped into his arms.

"Thank you for my puppy, I love you so so so much," you said as you burried your head into his chest. "And don't worry, I won't forget about giving you attention too!"

Wow, I've wrote so much today. Welppp I need requests!
Up next: Crow

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