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Zane was requested alot so, here he is! Lol, added Moon Pride so you could listen while reading.

all the old a/ns are so funny bc i used to be a cringe fest

Your trembling hand held the black flashlight, your only light source in the dark forest. You and your boyfriend Zane had decided to play hide and go seek at twelve am. You didn't like this idea, but complied anyway.

You whined as you heard a small noise behind you, "Why me?" You asked yourself, moving the flashlight in the direction of the noise. "Zane, can you please come out?" you called, desperation in your voice. "It's cold and I just wanna go back home."

He didn't respond, of course. So you just found the nearest log and sat down on it. Putting your face in your hands you called out, "I'm tired, so I'm going back with or without you." No response, again.

You were annoyed now, so you stood up and decided to walk home alone. Until you got lost, which was nearly impossible because of how close you were to your apartment complex. "Zane!" you whined, "Don't leave me like Zayn from One Direction!" a/n: sis that shit still hurts

You heard a twig snap and dropped the flashlight. Paralyzed with fear, you brought your hands to you ears and covered your eyes. "Please don't kill me, please don't kill me, please don't kill me," you repeated until you heard a deep chuckle. "Why would I kill you?" the blue haired male said, lacing his arms around your waist.

"I hate you so fucking much, Truesdale!" you said, slapping his arms off of you. "I swear on my life I'm beating your ass when we get home," you threatened, pushing his tall figure back. "Woah, woah, take it easy short stuff," he said putting his hands up. "How about I make cookies instead of you beating me up, sound good?"


Wow, that took a little longer than expected but yeah. I need more requests!
Up next: Seto Kaiba

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