Chapter 2

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A:N so I'll be updating this story often.
Couple of weeks later
"Ewww." I groaned turning my alarm off. I laid on the bed for a couple more minutes, I grabbed my phone remembering to text Lauren. "Good morning beautiful, I'll see you at school." I sent, while getting up and going the bathroom and turning the shower on. "Good morning! Okay see you then." I read on my screen, smiling I got undressed and took a shower. When I got out I got dressed and went downstairs to make pancakes for myself.
My parents have their own companies so they aren't home very often. We're kind of rich but I don't let the money get to me.
After I ate I went to my car and starting my way to school.
When I got to the band room I remembered I had homework I didn't finish in my free period. 'Shit' I muttered while grabbing my bag. "What?" My friend Josh asked. "I have homework for Carrassco that I didn't finish yesterday." "Oh I'll do it. I'm passing his class." I look at him, "thanks dude." I say handing him the paper. "No problem you did my English paper a couple of weeks ago anyway so we're even." I smile again thanking him.
"Sir can I use the restroom?" "Are you going to the restroom or Mrs. Jauregui's class?" Mr. Walls asks raising an eyebrow. I grin, "Mrs. Jauregui's." He narrows his eyes at me, "fine but don't be late." He says pointing a finger at me. I jog out the door. "I won't." I yell running out of the class.
When I get to the door, I hear a kid talking. "What are we doing after school?" "Um I don't know, want to watch a movie?" That was Lauren, why don't I just go in. It's not like I'm interrupting anything serious. I decided to just walk in, when I opened the door Lauren snaps her head towards me, wide eyed. "Hey-y y/n didn't know you'd be here early." She says nervously. What's up with her. "Uh yeah I always come to school early, I just hang out in the band room." I say awkwardly. The little girl looks at me, "hi what's your name?" I say bending down to her height. "Ava! Nice to meet you."  She says holding out her hand excitedly. I chuckle and take her handing lightly shacking it. I stand back up and was about to say something but Lauren cuts me off. "I should be taking her to preschool now."    She says quickly. "Oh okay, can I come back before the first bell?" I ask hoping she'd say yes. "Um yeah I guess." I smile. "Oh no I have some stuff to do, sorry I'll see you third period though." She says sadly while wrapping her arms around my neck giving me a hug. I let my arms fall to her waist and snuggle my face in the crook of her neck, smelling her vanilla perfume. "Okayyyy lets go." I hear Ava say impatiently wants to go to class. I laugh, pulling away from the hug slowly, "I'll see you third period babe." I see her blush, "See ya." She says while turning around and grabbing Ava's backpack helping her put it on. When she's walks towards the door with Ava in front I take the opportunity to smack her butt lightly. Making her gasp and turning around, "I saw the chance and I took it." I say smirking. "Stop it." She says playfully pointing a finger at me. I raise my hands in defeat and laugh.

When she left to take the girl to preschool I was wondering who the girl was to her. Maybe just her sister or niece maybe. Probably a niece, I don't know. Mr. Walls came out of his office and gave us new sheet music to practice for the competition.

When third period came around I went to class early to have some time with Lauren. "Hey beautiful." I say wrapping my arms around her waist as she writes the bell work on the board. She giggles and pushes me away with her butt. Causing her ass to push on my dick. "Y/n stop where at school." She says while trying to push me away again but I tighten my hold. "Noooo." I whine, she hits my arm, "someone could walk in stopppp." She whines back. "Ughhh alright." I say giving up because she is right. I'm a senior,18 years old but I think she could still lose her job.
I smack her butt walking to my seat, as my friend Efren walks in with his eyebrows furrowed. "Did you just smack her ass?" He whispered to me sitting down beside me. "Uh no." "But it looked like yo-." "Shhhhhhhhh." I say cutting him off playfully while grabbing my binder and doing the bell work. "You banging the teacher?" He whispers with a smirk. "No I'm not 'banging' her." I whisper back. Not yet I say in my head. "So why did you smack her ass then?" He whispers turning to his desk doing the bell work also. "I can't say right now but I'll tell you later." I say noticing more people coming in the class. He just looks at me trying to figure it out, he shakess his head turning to his paper. Thankfully for me forgetting about it for now.

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