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Why are my friends
So intent
On destroying themselves?

Friend one
Can't see her own worth
Cries through lonely nights
Won't talk to me
Hurts herself (physically)
Beats herself down (mentally)
Needs help
Is getting help
Will not see how loved she is

Friend two
Lets her boy push her around
Allows him to cause her pain
Writes poems
Is angry
Won't let him go
Loves a man who hurts her
Has allowed him to change her
To a point where I don't recognise her
Not much
Needs help
Is not getting any
Will not stop loving him

Friend three
Used to hurt herself
Is better now
I still worry
But we don't talk about that
We don't talk about each other
But she's getting help
And she's a lot better

Worry is perpetual
I don't know what to do
Friend one hates friend two
But still calls her a sister
Friend two hates friend one
And calls her a bitch
Friend three has never met either of them,
And doesn't know what to think.

I want to help but I don't know how
How do you help those who refuse it?
I tell friend one I'm there for her
She blanks me out
I tell friend two to break up with him
She begs for him to come back
I tell friend three I'm there for her,
And in turn she's there for me
But we still don't speak

How do I help them?

What am I supposed to do?

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