Chapter 3: Oh Hell No

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After my Ms. Parky dismissed us. I sat up, fixed my stuff. Put my notebook and pen inside my bag, while I'm still holding my planner. Yes, I love my planner. Since Hayley, loves Starbucks. She got me a Starbucks planner. I don't like putting it in my bag. I want to hold it everywhere, just in case I need to check my plans for the day or if I need to jot down some reminders. Anyway, as I was on my way to the door. Someone grabbed my arm. "Hey cupcake, hold up." the man that held my arm said. "Yes?" I answered, still confused on why I was called 'cupcake'. "Hey sunshine. Next time, stop staring in my eyes alright?" Nick, the guy who was holding my arm, said. "Ugh. Woah. Wait. What?! I was never looking at your eyes! How can you be so cocky, Nick?!" I told him. "Ooh, fiesty huh. Don't try to hide it, cupcake. I know I have nice eyes." He said, then winked. "Ugh can you not be so cocky even for just a minute?!" I said while removing his grip on my arm. "Whatever sunshine." He said. "Stop calling me sunshine! Or or or cupcake! I have a name, okay?!" I shouted. "So, whats your name sunshine?" He said while smirking. What the hell?! I've been studying in this school ever since!! How can he not know my name! So rude. So instead of answering him, I walked past him and just went out of the room.

On my way to the locker, I saw Hayley. Oh, did I tell you that our lockers are just next to each other? Oh well, actually mine's 317 while her locker is 325. Yep, sorta close to each other. "Hey Kate!!" Hayley said. "Hey Hayls." I said, feeling pissed off because of Nick. "Hey, whats up?" she said. "Ugh. I have English with Nick. He keeps winking at me and calling me sunshine and cupcake. Ugh, gross." I said. "Omg really?! Girl, you have to feel lucky!" she said. "What? Lucky? Pft, no!" I said. "Come on, cheer up! He's noticing you! That's a good thing right?" she said. "Ugh, I don't need to be noticed by him. He annoys the hell out of me!! Can we just go? I have Biology next. You?" I said. "You'll just see my dear bestfriend. You'll see. Uh, yes we have! Come on, let's go!" she said. I just ignored whatever she said and just went to my locker and took some things I need.

Oh come on! You have to be kidding me! I have biology with Hayley, fun! But why is there a very cocky guy sitting in the back?! Oh right, Nick. Oh joy of the first day of Junior year.

While I'm seating beside Hayley on our table, Mr. Perez was telling us about some project that we have to do as partners. "Oh my Oliv, we can be partners!" Hayley whispered to me. Oh well, I guess Biology could be fun. "So you guys know now about your project. So I'll be assigning you partners." Mr. Perez said. "Ugh, seriously?!" I muttered. While other students are groaning. "Ms. Hayley Donell and Mr. Mark Davids." Ms. Perez said. I sighed. "Oh well, you've got a hot basketball player. Lucky you." I told her with a mixture of sarcasm. "You'll be fine, don't worry. I'll go sit with him, alright? See you. Love you Oliv." she said while getting up. Oh joy. Who can be my partner. Hope that it'll be someone nice. Please please.

While waiting for my name to be called, I just kept on doodle-ing. I was lost in my doodle world, that I didn't get to hear who my partner was until I saw someone seat beside me. Oh well, let's just keep on hoping!

"Hey sunshine. What a joy to be your partner huh." the guy beside me said. Wait, the guy isn't just a guy. That's Nick. The cocky player. Woah woah hold up!! What the hell?!

"You shocked, sunshine?"


So here's chapter 3! Hope you guys would read and like this!! Thanks guys!! :-)

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