Dedicated To My Beloved Cousin, Henry

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On Wattpad I have been open about my personal life. I have a big family. My mom has five siblings and my dad has four. I also have twenty one cousins. On November 21st me and my family got a call from my aunt that my cousin Henry, had died in a car wreck.

He was so young and full of a bright life to live. He was fifteen years old. He was with a friend and his mother got hit by a drunk semi truck, hitting them straight on. The car tumbled over five times and landed in a ditch. By the time the ambulance got to them, the mother and my cousin were dead.

They rushed my cousins friend to the hospital, but he died on the way there because of his critical state. I had actually texted him the day before. We joked and were just checking up on each other.

He was my back bone. I felt like he was a brother to me. I could tell him anything and he wouldn't judge. He was just there to listen and that's all I wanted. We always had the greatest times together. I don't remember a time when he wasn't full of jokes and laughter.

He was a joy to the world and now he's gone. The world lost a great soul on that day, but now he's in heaven looking down on me. I just hope that he's proud, but I know he wouldn't be.

I'm still griefing. I'm so paranoid when I get into a car because I think it's gonna happen to me. I saw what the woman looks like and she tried to plead once she was sober, but it was already to late. She took a son, a mother, a wife, and her son out of the world.

My family has placed photos of him all around the house, but I can't look because then I'll start to cry and once it comes I just can't stop. I can't control it. My mom and dad have gotten me to go to therapy every week. I talk to the therapist and try to tell her my problems while she sits there and listens.

But it's not the same. I don't feel the compassion. I don't feel the love or the comfort. She tried to act like her degree can tell me how to get better, but she will truly never know unless she's been through it. Right now I'm going through depression and I honestly don't know when it goes away.

It casts a dark cloud over everything in your life. I can't stand the way it makes me feel.

I'm laughing right now because I'm crying. I'm just a mess!(lol)

So I decided to write this poem for Henry. I will be saying this at his funeral which will be in the first week of next year. They decided to hold off until all the family can fly into together and be there for the funeral.

Tell me what you guys think.

I never thought I'd lose you in a blink
Faster than a blink
You flew up to heaven
I cried out your name

But there was nothing to say
Gone went the day
While I screamed to be taken away
Now I know it's not for me
I need to help everyone see

That they can be here one second
And gone the next
You taught me my lesson
That anyone can be here today
But gone in a second

No I need not to be sad
Because it's not the doomsday
It was just a highway
That led me to the truth
That helped me learn everything about you

I love you Henry and I will forever cherish you in my heart.

-Love your little cousin

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