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Half past eight, almost to departure, the train was not late, but ...... Balm late ... (Who gave you the right diva Ah!). Actually gave him caught up in the car started the moment he jumped on (this cargo is not large gated school ah, really ...), allowing the platform to the staff yelled a le, face by his disgrace, do not tell people that we know him - * -

You have to be late for their behavior plus you discredit the bear should be punished! He climbed up the car, team boss welcome that support and immediately flooded in the past, yes, that is one who forced me to smell body odor (a hideous painful memories! We can forget it).

"Banana, banana, I top !!!! banana, banana, I top !!!! banana, banana, I top !!!! ha ha ha ha!" (Note: a super nasty rogue funny very popular dance , many unchaste Thai MV in those little brother would jump at every turn!).

We could not help but follow the booing, because Balm facing punishment is too ---- ha ha ha ha, laugh to stand, almost rolled under the car to go. The boss kept singing apples, papaya, bananas, oranges, pushed to the side of a huge Balm bisexual man, his mouth still remembered "banana, top! Top! Top!", Vow to force him to jump in the end, Gaga Ga Ga Ga Gara, seeing everything is a foregone conclusion, Balm shall not singing along together, who wants to, it would only actually own big man leaned over, Yuekan Balm more pathetic ah, quack quack, come on! ! ! ! ! ! !

"Banana, banana, I top !!!!", the other side of the boss is also pressing harder and harder, ha ha ha, we sat in the rear compartment applauded, at the moment Balm began to reveal signs of escape (Ga Gaga), he hid Androgyny bird had a big, straight to our side, thought we would save him, but as we got this friend must immediately flee on his own friends (we are so much loyalty). Balm has been criticized not a sound at the moment, the whole carriage are filled with his swearing (ha ha), he looked around anxious to find a seam to hide themselves, seeing the big man would only have rushed over ........ ................

... Pun innocent shot.

Quack quack Ga Gaga Gaga Ga Ga Ga Gara, the face flew out stupid! Everyone passing through do not miss ah, quickly Laikankana, this expression is simply indescribable ...... ah! Ha ha ha ha ha, eight of us (including just survived Balm) is a Xiaofan to the ground. That guy, that scene, our Pun Phumipachn so the people are caught bird big man's arms, the audience may sound firecrackers, also mingled with the screams of our camp team and the entire staff (simply throwaway ah, ha ha)

"I want to compare the little brother danced top banana friends ~" This androgynous monster plea to being tightly hoop of Pun suddenly react, piteously shook his head, while we are pumping laugh, finally Other staff could not stand, rush to rush to Pun rescued from the terrible situation in (nick ah really!)

Freed Pun, scratching and scrambling toward the last row of seats, sat down, but in shock. Ha ha ha ha, estimated to be afraid of what the next will encounter unexpected.

Pong and I still help Balm (who successfully escape) onto the front luggage compartment empty place, at this time, I found Yuri sat in this car, flanked by her two or three friends. In fact, no surprise, the boss who is from Bangkok to Khon Kaen students participate camping package section of the same car. I peek glances goes on familiar faces, being around meal snack drink and chat with friends. Haha, you never can not do without is a snack goods snacks, but, the only change is ...... pair of eyes, will not have me.

Love sick - > Chapters 61-66Where stories live. Discover now