Chapter Thirty Six - Aubrey

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I sat in the living room watching TV as I ate some chocolate covered pretzels. The tan walls made the room seem brighter than it really was. The sun had set almost two hours ago and a nasty storm had rolled in soon after. Sandra had gone on another short business trip and was due back late tonight. I had planned on waiting up for her but her plane was delayed from the ugly storm so I decided to just go to bed.

I brushed my silver hair as I looked into the mirror at myself. I had taken my make up off when Shay dropped me off after hanging out. I got straight into my PJs and cuddled up on the couch.

I pulled my hair up into a tight pony tail and shut off the TV as I walked up the stairs. Shutting off all the lights as I went, I climbed the stairs in slow motion. My joints yelled at me with every movement and the stairs of our old farm house didn't sound any better. They creaked under my weight and I swore to myself that they were going to break one of these days.

As I walked past the bathroom, I knocked on the door and yelled in at Copper to tell him that I was going to bed. He had his stereo blaring loudly and I had to bang on the door until I got his attention.

"I'm going to bed!" I shouted over the still running water of the shower.

"Alright, when is Sandra due in?" He asked back opening the door with a towel wrapped around his waist. Water dripped quickly down his chest. His copper hair was plastered to his head and looked more brown than copper now. He looked a lot stronger recently. His stomach and back was more defined since he started to train as a wolf with us. He was finally given the clearance to shift for the first time last week.

"She isn't due in till late, so there is no need to stay awake." I mumbled and looked down the hallway awkwardly because his towel was sitting low on his waist.

Copper nodded and shut the door in my face without saying anything else. I responded with an eye roll and walked into my room. My bright blue walls and blue polka dotted comforter welcomed me home and I slid right into my bed without fighting the urge.

I went through my daily routine for before I go to bed. I tucked my covers in, checked my phone, checked my emails, and said goodnight to my dad. The picture of us standing on the beach together sat on my bedside table and there hadn't been a speck of dust on it for years. His brown hair was sticking up really crazy because of the strong wind from that day and my hair whirled around us like a tornado. I was on his back and he had been running around with me. That was also the day that he broke his ankle because he stepped in a hole in the sand on accident.

I held the picture in my hands and just looked at it for a moment. I wished so dearly that I could go back to that day. Back then it was just another day at the beach with my dad, but now I would do almost anything to see him again. He made a lot of mistakes in our lifetime, but he made just as many good choices.

A single tear escaped my eye as I remembered the good times we had together. I set the picture on the table again and climbed into bed, clutching my teddy bear to my chest.

I grabbed my phone from my bedside table and saw that Shay had called me.

"Hello?" He said into the other end.

"Hey you called?" I mumbled.

"Oh yeah, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry again for not telling you about the trip to Europe. I just wanted to wait until the last second so everything could seem normal for you for as long as possible." Shay said and I heard him set a glass down on the counter.

"I know but things are never going to be normal for me again Shay. I just hate that you are keeping so many things from me like the truth about Zyler and the trip to Europe." I said, sitting up and leaning against the wall behind my bed.

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