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Men surrounded him and the others. Nurses, officials, and other soldiers crowded them, questioning and aiding them, but there was one person not in the crowd. Bucky took a moment to imagine the possibility that Adeline was already on her way over to hydra. No doubt not thinking because she needed to see Bucky. He let his eyes trail away from the commotion and imagined where Steve could be at the moment.

"Sergeant? Are you alright?" A petite nurse stood in front of him.

"Oh, I'm fine thank you." He took a step towards the tent. The nurse slipped in front of his direction. "Please, ma'am. I have to go."

"But your head!"

"Please, I must go to see someone." She didn't move, "My wife." He said simply. Bucky pushed his way past her and the rest of the crowd and started to walk over to the tent he had lived in for a year. Walking closer he heard Peggy's shouts and Adeline cry and momentarily after, she ran out. Running straight into Bucky. "Peggy? What's going on?"

"Bucky? You're back? Nevermind that, get in there now. I'm getting a nurse." Bucky looked confused at first but then realized what was happening. He ran as fast as he could into the tent.

"Adeline!" He called desperate. She sat up on the bed and cried, gripping the sides of the flimsy cot. She looked up.

"Bucky?" He ran to her side and hugged her.

"It's alright. I'm here." He held her without loosening his grip. She held his arm in her hand, but didn't say a word.

Peggy ran in with a nurse, "I'm back!" The urgency obvious in her voice. Adeline looked up.

"Are you ready Mrs. Barnes?" She looked at Bucky and nodded. He took her hand and kissed her forehead.

* * *

Adeline took a deep breathe and threw her head against the pillow. "Adeline, you're almost done."

She shook her head, "I can't!"

"You can and you will." She opened her tear filled eyes and locked them on Bucky's. "You can do this."

She nodded and turned to look at Peggy who was biting her lip in the corner. She nodded in return. Adeline closed her eyes and screamed. Everyone looked up when they heard a cry. "It's a girl!" the nurse announced proudly.

Adeline smiled catching her breath, "Grace Barnes." Bucky looked at the delicate child the nurse set in his arms, "Grace...? I like it."

"Oh, I- I was thinking earlier this morning. I just fell in love with Grace."

"It's beautiful. And so is she." He rocked her back and forth sitting in the chair next to the bed. "She's as beautiful as you."

Adeline propped herself up on one arm. "May I?" Bucky smiled and carefully placed her in her arms. She looked down and started to cry out of happiness. "We have a baby girl!" Bucky sat next to her and pulled the blanket out of Grace's face and took her tiny hand in his. Upon his touch she silenced and looked at him. Adeline looked at Bucky, "She knows who you are."

"What do you mean?"

"She knows you're her dad." Bucky smiled at her and then at Grace.

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