I Can't Believe You're My Family

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I can't believe you're my family

Grace rubbed her eyes as she sat up. Whose bed was this? Nat's. She looked around at the room, surprisingly enough it seemed to be the only room in the house that was still in one piece. She heard voices, many voices, coming from the kitchen. Groggily she pulled off the covers and made her way to the door, instantly recognizing the sounds. She smiled slightly until she heard the huffs and puffs of the winter- her father. She creaked open the door and peaked out to see what she would call a catastrophe. "What on earth is going on?"

"Grace you're up!" Natasha smiled but then quickly frowned seeing the unamused face on Grace.

There sitting in the bar stool surrounded by almost everyone, the avengers and the guardians of the galaxy, was her father, caked in layers of makeup, "Grace, I'm sorry... I told them not to, I thought they were only gonna braid my hair-"

"Dad, calm down..." She rubbed her eyes again as she pulled the little bow out of his hair, "Someone get me a towel," Tony reluctantly agrees and hands her the washcloth, "You are gonna have to grow up at some point if you're gonna make through this century."

Tony scoffs watching, "Let me remind you that you are still the little baby born during the second world war, honey."

"Don't honey her!" Bucky stands up this time and if it weren't for Graces cold hands tugging his shirt back he would have had Tony's throat in his hands, "You don't know he. She's my daughter... not yours!"

"Really? I don't know her? I'm actually quite positive that I know her better? She came to me when she wanted to enter that experiment. She came to me when she thought her Uncle was dying."

"Tony, enough..." Steve speaks up.

"And you! When she had her first heartbreak! She went to you. You raised her practically!"

"That doesn't mean that he isn't her father."

"You and I have different definitions of 'father.'"

Grace was already out of the door, clutching her father's human arm tightly. She barely looked back until they made it to the local park. She turned to her dad, "I couldn't stay there any longer... "

"It's alright, I'm glad you took me away." Grace smiled and sat down on a little bench.

"Tell me about mom... please?" She hopefully stares at her father's icy-blue eyes as her own, full of wonder, the size of her mother's but the color of her father's.

"Yeah... you're mother, wow, she- she was amazing. She never backed down from a fight. Almost got herself killed a few times, but she could also be protective. She was really protective of you. You lived in thick blankets, so you wouldn't catch a cold. You didn't wear clothes that had a certain texture because she thought you would have a reaction. She had the most golden, glowing skin. Her eyes looked like milk chocolate, and her face was perfectly shaped and she- she was the image of love. It was in her every feature you could see the love." Grace's eyes were swimming in the same way her mother's did.

"How did you meet?"

"You're mother and I met- in a little cafe just outside of my apartment. She was picking a fight with a bully and she just happened to find her way under his fist. She didn't want to go home and face her mother, so I took her home and we- I mean, we fell in love," he looked down not being able to stop from smiling.

"You kissed her, didn't you?" Grace puts her chin in her hands, "oooh! You kissed her!" Bucky blushes looking away putting his hands up guiltily.

"Yeah, you caught me! But that's weird to explain that to my daughter."

"I'm your age, I'm sorry, Dad, but I'm no longer your little baby..." Grace frowns as she watches her father's smile fade as well, "what about your wedding?"

"Wedding... well it was in her mother's church. Your mother was so against it. She hated that place, I'm not sure why, I think it's some childhood memory. She wanted it anywhere but there, but it ended up being there anyway. She wore the- oh goodness Grace, her dress was beautiful, it was white and had little lace flowers all throughout and she wore my mother's veil..."

Grace hadn't even noticed the water that was threatening to spill from her eyes, "And then I guess the next thing is me. When did you find out about me?"

"I signed up for the war... I was in the front lines and on the border and your mother gave the main center a call. They brought me in and I thought I was in trouble, like a schoolboy and they told me that she was coming. joining the army as a nurse. I couldn't believe it, unfortunately, or I mean- wonderfully or- well, she was pregnant with you. She, being the stubborn woman she was, wouldn't go home. You were born there," he lets out a small laugh as he treks through his memories, "Grace, I wish you could've known her. She loved you so much," She didn't even try and hide her tears anymore. The pain of growing up an orphan was suddenly haunting her as she listened to the stories on the rickety wood bench and cold breeze.

"We should go back. They're probably worried." 

AN: AWW! Super cute father daughter and mother father memory stuff! Add-in to the original story, but worth it!

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