The Last Kaminari (Naruto Fan Fiction)

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Leah Gray, of 1229, Starr Dive, was happy to say she was a normal, single 22 year old mom of a four year old boy, Logan Gray.She worked two jobs a day, waitressing from 9-4 pm, picked up Logan at 4:30, , and then she went to her job as an intern at the local candy factory, Whispi and Dunlap, from 5-10 pm. She was a beautiful woman, with long wavy blonde hair, peach skin, plenty of curves,and welcoming bright green eyes. Leah had everything she needed. A house, a steady income, food, clothes, running water, etc. But she wanted things she could never have. A good, faithful husband, a large house, pets, designer clothes, things every female yearns for at least once in her lifetime. She didn't want to shop at Wal-Mart for both her clothes and Logan's clothes. And it all got harder when Charlee came into the mix.


Leah'd had a bad feeling all day. At Applebee's, her waitressing job, she screwed up four people's orders, had nearly beheaded herself with a rather large kife, and had burned most of the skin off of her pinky when she dropped a scalding hot place. And that was just at her first job! Logan's behavior was no better. All day at preschool, he'd been horrible, biting teachers, hitting other kids, throwing art supplies, peeing on books, and stealing the other kids' lunches. At Whispi and Dunlap, while giving a tour, she got gum in her hair, grape sno-cone syrup on her white skirt, was nearly crushed by a falling box of packaged chocolate, and nearly got defingered by the taffy machine. By the time Leah had gotten Logan spanked, bathed, and fed, and then herself a nice, hot shower, it was near midnight, and she was dead tired. Leah fell into a deep, dreamless sleep on her couch, watching the news, not aware of what was going on right outside her door.


At the far corner or Starr Drive, where the streetlights barely touched, a man appeared, almost as if he'd popped out of the ground. This man was widely known in Japan, as wll as less widely, but still well known in America. He was the Fourth Hokage, Namikaze Minato, from the anime Naruto. He didn't seem to notice that everything from his zori to his name was unwelcome. He was focused on a spot a few yards to the left of him. A few seconds later, a group of 4 strange people appeared, exactly the way he had. The redhead was, in fact, Minato's heavily pregnant wife, Namikaze-Uzumaki Kushina. The other three were nobles, the former Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, Uchiha clan leader Uchiha Fugaku, and Hyuuga clan leader Hyuuga Hiashi. They payed no attention to the dark, quiet houses of Starr Drive. They were focused on a bundle of midnight black blankets in Kushina's arms.

"Is this right, Minato?" Kushina asked her husband softly, her eyes fixated on the baby girl inside the blanket.

"It's the only thing we can do, Kushina. With her being rejected by her clan, she has no where to go, and with our boy on the way, we can't keep her. Fugaku has his full with Itachi, and his coming baby, and so does Hiashi. She'll be safe here for now. She'll come back when she unlocks the first stage of her kekkei genkai. We have to go, I can't hold this jutsu much longer." Minato said, sounding urgent. Kushina sighed shakily and nodded, quickly flash-stepping to Leah's front door. She gently set the girl down, and set a letter on top of the bundle. Appearing back next to Minato, the group of ninja disappeared back into their world, leaving the one year old Kaminari Miyu on Leah Gray's doorstep. As the black haired infant rolled over in her sleeo, she had no idea that in the next eleven years, she would be bullied, harassed, beaten, cussed out, and neglected. The child just unconciously clung to the letter and had a moment of peace. Soon, though, Kaminari Miyu would become Charlotte "Charlee" Gray. And this is where her story begins.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2013 ⏰

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