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Captain Jack Harkness:
"don't you dare" you warned, he was slowly advancing towards you, a devious smirk plastered on his face, you two had been messing around and chasing each other when he poked you in the side and found out you were very ticklish (if your not just go with it), Now he was chasing you trying to tickle you. He took a step towards you, you took a step back.
"No, ah ah ah, you stay right there, or else" You said the smile growing wider on your face.
"Or else what?" He asked, also smiling taking a couple more steps further, you retreat back again.
"Or i'll... I'll... oh! I let the weevil out" you threatended
"Oh really? I'd like to see you try" he said, you darted to the basement where the cells were, you were almost there when you felt arms snake around your waist and lift you up. You let out a squeal as he took you back into the main room, he set you down and you made a break for it but he started tickling you and you fell down in a fit of giggles. He got on top of you and starting tickling you some more.
"o-okay s-s-s-stop p-please!" you said between giggles
"Admit I'm the sexiest man alive" he said
"n-n-never!" You shouted, he kept tickling you more
"Say it" he said'
"NO!" You shouted still giggling, you saw owen, tosh, ianto, and gwen walk in
"Gwen, Owen, Tosh, Ianto, somebody h-h-help me!" you pleaded
"Jack get off the poor girl" Gwen said, owen sat there looking amused
"No, she has to say it" He said
"Never I-I will not give up" you squealed, you looked over at Owen and Ianto
"Owen, Ianto help me" you pleaded,
"NAh, I'm okay" Owen said, IAnto shrugged guiltily
"Okay fine YOU'RE THE SEXIEST MAN ALVE!" you yelled out of breath, he got off you and helped me up. You lightly smacked his arm.
"Jerk" you turned to Owen
"jackass you didn't help me" you said
"Oi, what about Ianto he didn't help you" He complained
"ya well I like Ianto better than you, he's nicer" I say, owen scoffed, you smiled and walked away.

Owen Harper:
You and Owen were playing 20 questions because you were bored. It was mainly him asking you questions though
"What's you favorite color?" He asked
"(Y/F/C)" (your favorite color) You responded
" Are you ticklish?" he asked
"hey it's my turn" You said
"Well I asked already so answer the question" He said, you sighed
"Yes" you mumbled he smiled deviously
"NO don't you dare, I'm not responsible for your injuries" You warned, he lunged at you and started tickling you. you laughed and starting kicking and thrashing and ended up slapping him. He stopped tickling you.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry, but I did warn you" You said
"ya ya" He said, then you guys went back to playing 20 questions

Ianto Jones:
You just got back from a weevil hunt and you had some bruises and scratches on your ribs so Ianto, took you and started tending to them, Everytime he touched your ribs thought the would giggle and squirm. He poked at one of your bruises, you giggled and squirmed again
"Hun, you need to stop squirming" he said
"I can't help it I'm really ticklish" You said he sighed and started applying cream to a cut, you squirned again trying to stifle a laugh. He kept doing it and soon was purposely tickling you while you laughed and giggled and squirmed. After he was done tickling you he started to tend to your wouds again, when he was finally done he sighed and put the first aid kit away.
"What am I going to do with you" He said pokingyou ib the side causing you to giggle again.

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