You come back to life

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Captainn Jack Harkness:
You had recently recovered from an accident that you almost died from if it hadn't been for your boyfriend, Jack, you don't know what he did but you were soon up and healthy. You were on a weevil hunt with the rest of the gang. You were currently by yourself looking in the alley ways for it.
"y/n, Were are you? Have you spotted the weevil?" You heard jack speek to you through your earpiece.
"Uh ya i'm on Madison Avenue, and-" You were cut off when you heard a noise you whirled around an there was weevil literally 2 feet away from you, you screamed REALLY loud, it lunged at you and bit into your neck, you screaming stoped as you choked on your own blood. It dropped you and everything was all fuzzy. You heard a voice.
"Jack I found her" Owen said, he came over to you and pressed something to your neck making it burn but you couldn't utter a sound. Soon it was all black
You woke up to see Jack, Owen, Ianto, Tosh, and Gwen abover you none of them looking at you, you were in the same alley that you were searching for the weevil in when jack asked where you were but them your memory gets fuzzy, they all had tears in there eyes and jack had silent tears going down his face. 'What happened? I'll beat the living shit out of the person/people that made my boyfriend cry' you thought
"What happened?" You asked, all of there heads snapped towards you
"You- you died" Tosh said, then it all came back to you, you were killed by a weevil, your hand shot up to your neck to find it completely healed
"What the bloody hell, i'm like you" I said pointing at jack
"Oh my god" He whispered

Owen Harper:
*Owens in this one because i want him to be in this one*
You were with Rex and Esther when you guys were bringing in jacks blood, when they went to switch jacks blood with Rex's you volunteered instead. *que skipping everything else in that episode because i'm to lazy to write it, sorry if you haven't seen the episode, Spoilers* You looked at your device to see the mole was Charlotte and she was walking right passed us.
"Hey Charlotte" You said, She kept walking faster "Charlotte!" you yelled again Then she turned around and shot you, you cllapsed on the ground into darkness. You opened you eyes with a gasp to see Owen there with tears in his eyes. They all looked at you when you gasped
"What?" You asked, you looked at your chest to see that the wound heeled up like with jack.
"You, World War II, wha tthe hell did you do to me?" (I do not own that line it goes to BBC,) You said while they stared in shock

Ianto Jones:
*Sorry i don't have a reason for yyou to be dead or how you came back to life*
You woke up with a gasp to see Ianto cryin g his eyes out, 'wait, i'm suppose to be dead' you thought, you looked over to jack
"Jack what the fuck did you do to me?" You questioned, they all looked at you in shock. Ianto Ran over to you and you hugged him.
"Hey hey, it's okay i'm stil here" You soothed him. nobody ever really did figure out how you survived.

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