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Luke Taylor, I'm new here.

It was my first time at this school, and the first day, my bus was already late, great. Jumping off from the bus, I walked towards the steps that led up to the school. I looked at the sign on the building, it read Lake Wood High, I sighed as I opened one of the two iron doors. Stepping into the building, a few people turned and looked at me, I still held my head high. Looking around at all the people surrounding the lockers, all the ones that filled the hall, each and everyone one of them stood in small groups. "Popular people," I thought. Then there was one girl. It looked like she was struggling to put something in her locker. Laughing slightly under my breath, I walked over to her. She ever noticed me as I was walking towards her. Now, I stood behind her, I laughed a little too loud. She turned around and faced me.

Then I could see all her little features. She had a little button, pointed nose. Tanned skin, and light brown, almost golden eyes. Her hair looked like it was dipped in multiple colors, ranging from black, brown, and even red. She had a cute face, but at the same time it looked like she'd been worn down. I smiled kindly at her, hoping she knew I was no threat to her. Questioning her if she needed any help, she just starred up at me. She was quite short. I repeated my question, she then nodded. Walking closer to her, she never moved. Until the last second, but, she moved the wrong way. I opened my mouth to warn her, but I was too late. Hitting her head on her own locker, few turned an looked at us. I wanted to hold out my and comfort her, but I had not even met her. So, I just stood there like an idiot, asking if she was okay. She just nodded again and stood behind me looking at the ground. Frowning as I shoved her bag into her locker. I turned, so that my back was against the lockers.

"So," I said. She must have not heard me. "I should have probably introduced myself first." It looked like she was responding, but I couldn't hear her. "Well, I'm Luke," I held out my hand for her to shake, she just starred at it blankly and said her name was Emma. Slowly I lowered my hand back into my pocket. "Emma," I thought, "it fits her."

All of a sudden the bell rang for class to start, Emma had opened her mouth to say something, but she just walked away. Following her, she looked back at me like I was a maniac. Nervous, I asked her about her classes. Emma said she had math for first period. Which I was delighted to hear. I smiled as I replied, "Me too." She just nodded. All the nodding was getting quite confusing. Emma walked in the classroom and I followed behind her. I almost felt like a little puppy. I noticed that she was heading for the back of the class, walking down the row of desks, a girl with light blonde hair stood up in front of me. I stopped quickly looking confused.

The girl said, "You're cute!"

I didn't really know how to respond, "Um, thanks?"

She touched my arm lightly, "Come sit beside me," she whispered.

Shouldering her off, I shook my head and walked away towards Emma. She looked at me disgusted. I looked back her awkwardly, I'd never seen a girl wear so much makeup. She sat down, almost smacking me in the face with her hair. I just shrugged and sat down beside Emma. I smiled at her, she never smiled back. I guess smiles aren't that contagious. A short man walked into the room. He was wearing a shirt that was a little too tight for him, and a tie. He had short hair, he almost looked bald.

"Hello, I'm Mr. Smedley."

Looking over at Emma, she lay her head against her hand, she looked bored. Then Mr. Smedley kept talking...about something. I wasn't really paying any attention. I heard one thing, that was "introduce yourself." When I heard that I saw Emma's eyes widen. She looked almost scared, she did seem shy. I heard her groan, I looked over at her, she looked back at me and looked down at her desk immediately. "What should I do?" I questioned myself.

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