8~Fuck the rules

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This chapter is dedicated to @sammyd01
Everite P.O.V
I woke as soon as I felt the ray of sunshine hit my face, God I hated mornings.

I stretched and yawned, why did there have to be mornings.

"Everite, you're awake?" I herd the only ray of sunshine that I didn't despise.

"Yep" I answered, I stretched and looked up at the beautiful Helena.

"You sure you'll be okay if I left" I asked, as she slowly tried to look at me.

"Yeah I'll do fine don't worry" she answered, facing towards the window.

"What time is it by the way" she asked, I looked at the clock and noticed it was 8:00 a.m.

"8:00 a.m." I spoke, stretching and looking out the window, I noticed that the gardeners had planted winter flowers, I smiled and look at Helena, as she stood up and  headed towards her bathroom.

"Helena, I'll be going, whistle if you need for something" I spoke closer to the door.

"Kay" she answered.

I turned into a cat form, feeling everyone of my bones ache as every second went by, I felt hair grow on my body, as I grew smaller into my black cat form.

I climbed out of the window, as I found it easier to jump in this form.

I walked through the neatly cut grass, heading towards the woods, I walked trough the small hole covered my bushes, as I headed towards my little shaft in the woods.

I sighed today would be the day in which I get to try to investigate the most from Luke, I just had to say that he was absolutely beautiful.
Luke's P.O.V.
I was now bathed and dressed, now heading to the dinner table since Haden wanted me to be there early to eat breakfast with him.

"I think he's beginning to like you" Emily spoke as she walked me to the dinner table.

"I don't think so" I answered, remembering that he stood a needle into my neck.

We stopped, I knew we were there.

"Wait here" Emily spoke letting go of my arm. I herd her shoes tap away, tap tap tap, they finally stopped, I herd her.

"Where is Haden?" I herd her ask to someone.

"He had some business to do, it seems he won't be able to eat with the kid" I herd a man speak, basing on his voice I might say that he sounded old, not to old but old.

I herd Emily walk back.

"It seems he won't be able to eat with you" she spoke, I nodded.

"Come on, I'm going to take you to the kitchen, there's a smaller table there" Emily spoke, grabbing my wrist and guiding me to the said table.

"Can I go outside for a while, after I'm done?" I asked, waiting for an answer.

"Sure!" Emily spoke.
Time went by, I was already finished with my food and now being guided towards the gardens. How did I know?, I could smell the freshness of the outside, I could smell the distinctive smell of winter flowers.

Emily sat me down on what seemed to be a bench, I smiled and pulled my head back, feeling the winter breeze on my face. I smiled I loved the winter it was the season which I was able to do more stuff then in summer, it just got too hot.

I smelled the pine trees , I herd the birds chirp their beautiful melody and the leaves rustling, I smelled the sweet dirt, the dirt which I could smell once I ran, I felt my body move on its own, heading towards the sweet smell of winter flowers. Flowers which brought me back to so many good and bad memories. The last day I got to hear my fathers voice, and the day which I met the hunter.

I remember how we met, he spoke to me softly telling me that he will never hurt me, of course he told that to Legacy, but I believed him. Every single word he said, that was until I turned into a human, he saw me. He promised me that he wouldn't tell anyone, but that was before he found out that he would win alot of money if he took me to scientist, he was on the verge of killing me, just to get the money. But like always Legacy saved me, clawing on his legs and biting his arm almost off. Well that's what I felt he did, he was angry, ready to kill, and even though he didn't want to speak about it the day before, I knew he was hurt. Hurt by the fact that he lied.

I felt something wet run down my cheeks, I felt my heart tighten up, it hurt, I couldn't take this pain. I breathed in, filling my lungs with the cold winter air.

I turned my head to the side, hearing what I thought was a vehicle leave the house. Could it be Haden?, where will he be headed to?, when will he be back?, who did he go with?. I felt myself get jealous all of a sudden. Why would I be jealous, I wanted to hear him speak to me an ask me his questions. I wanted him to touch me?. I shook my head this is stupid why would I want this, I don't need it, and he did lick my neck, so why would I be wanting someone like that to touch me.

I sighed, yet again breathing the cold air, I shivered an smiled this was just my favorite season.
Haden's P.O.V.
I passed my fingers through my hair, getting frustrated. Turns out that Alfred's wife was just an inch away from getting killed. Last night someone called off my men, my men thinking that it was me who sent the message. The enemy snuck in and was about to take her, if it weren't for one guy they would've killed her. That one guy told me that it wasn't just a group of normal vampires or ware wolfs, they're were shape shifters, vampires, ware wolfs, witches, demons, and Feas.

I've never her of a group like them, but due to their little act, I wasn't able to eat breakfast with Luke. I probably won't be eating dinner with him either since it'll take a long time to get there. I was frustrated, I won't be able to see his flustered face whenever I asked him something, or that dimpled smile that he gave me once he finished talking.

Every time I looked into his eyes it was cloudy, but deeply I knew that I could see sadness. He looked like he had been through hell and back twice. And yet I haven't found out what he is, I'm still thinking that he's a ware wolf, but he doesn't show any signs. I already sent the blood to the lab and they are not even near to finding out.

I couldn't stop thinking of him, it hard not to, very time we met he always ha to say something thing or at least to do something to make me think of him all day, it was wrong, it was rule to not have feelings like these specially towards a guy, a guy who was just fucking adorable.

But sometimes you just have to say...

"Fuck the rules" I spoke under my breath.
Heyo how are you guys?, I really hope you are enjoying my book. And specially this chapter.

Just show the love! <3

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