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I am on my god damned period. FYI this ain't my first time. I have nothing to say about this, well maybe except for; Why?!? Why would you do this to me Mother Nature??!!??

Just why? Can't Mother Nature just be like 'Whaddup girlfriend?? You're not pregnant! Have a great week!! I'll text/talk to you next month!!! Baiiiii~'


Why not that? It will make life much more easier for us females. Like, who would even want to have blood gush out of you area?? And the cramps make it even worst. The pain is unbearably bearable. It literally restrict most- let me rephrase that -all of your movements.

Boys are just like, I bet it doesn't even hurt. I will probably use the comeback in the picture, wherever it is on your device. Why? Because it's true.

God made females to have periods and be pregnant because he knows that males can't handle the pain. Damn right! Sorry if I am offending anyone, but it's kinda true. Most males that I've encounter whines/cries at the pain they have gotten themselves into. Ah, that's just sad. And they say that we're weak. See for yourselves boys, see for yourselves.

Well, that's all I have to say for now. Bye everyone!!! I wish those who are on their periods good luck!!! You're gonna need it. And quick advice, try to survive without killing anyone, don't empty wherever you keep the food source, and don't make other people go bankrupt. Cya later!!!!

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