Fitting In

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Okay, so today when I was in class, we were discussing mindful seeing. My teacher was talking about processing information. Right now you might be thinking, what does that have to do with fitting in? Well basically a summary of what he said was; 'In order to fit in, you must know how to process the information, and react properly so you won't seem out of place.'


Like since when does that have to do with mindful seeing??? I don't know.

That brings us to the topic of fitting in. Celebrities say 'Just be yourself.' What they should know is that it's not that easy being yourself. There is always a person that's judging you. Then, you feel self-conscious. You try to change yourself so they will like you, and you then become someone else. You know being yourself isn't exactly the best way for fitting in. How? Well, you try being yourself, but you just end up getting rejected.

Famous people be like; 'Just be yourself, you are beautiful.' You tried to believe that, you really tried. But you just cant, you just can't bring yourself to.

Society has planted a worldwide image of how a female should act, look, and dress. Now everyone is being sexist.

Anyways, back to the topic. Like I said the last paragraph, society has changed how a woman is viewed. Nowadays, without reaching these requirements, you are considered a social outcast. For those of you who doesn't know what that means, it means that you don't fit in.

But hey! It's not your fault. It's theirs for not realizing who you really are. Just remember. Try to be yourself, it doesn't have to be public. Hell, you could even do it at your bathroom, I won't judge, it's your life after all.

Now, about the friends part. You don't have to fit in with the popular group, you know, the ones who think they are everything. You can be with your own crazy group of friends, it doesn't have to be a lot of people, it just needs to be someone that you're comfortable with.

Many people want to be cool and popular. They will literally do whatever it takes. They will try to act like those cool people and become someone they're not. Then with the overwhelming popularity, they will then think that you are tainting their image and ditch you. You gave them you trust, and they throw you away like a piece of garbage. When those cool people finally dump them, they will realize that you were their only true friend.But, it too late for them. You don't trust them anymore.

And that my friend, is how most friendship end. Like I'm not even kidding. That happens for god knows how many times.

This will now be the end of my little rant. But, if there's one thing you should know about me, it will be that I will never stay on topic. I'm not even joking. You don't know how hard it was to stay on topic and not go on about other stuff.

Well anyways. Bye~ Well, for now. I'll be back soon, very soon. Double goodbyes!!! Bai Bai!!!!!!

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