Story 1 - Umbrella (Romance)

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I was walking by the living room, glancing at the TV since my mother was watching the news.
"Oh," she calls me once she notices me walking by her. "Hiroshi."
"Yes, ma?" I answer.
"Can you go get your laundry? Your dad just finished getting his."
I nod. "Yes."
I walked outside to the small porch, grabbing all my clothes from the clothes line.
I laid them all nicely onto my arm and walked back in, closing the door shut and locking it.
"...rain. There will not be a lot of rain, so you'll make it out without getting so wet..."
I turned to the TV. Rain?
I then shrugged my shoulders slightly, walking to my room and hanging my shirts and folding everything else.
After almost finishing everything, I can hear my phone vibrate once. I turn to look at my bed. Did she text me?
I get up and get my phone, reading the text message.
That's weird. She only texts me mornings and goodnights...
The message said: Hey, Hiro. Just wanted ask you a quick favor if you'd come out to my house in a hour. I'll be there waiting for you at the gate. *insert bubbly and cute emoji*
I messaged her back.
Okay. Also, why not now? Are you out somewhere?
Then 2 minutes past. I walked back to finish my laundry and she texts me again.
Yes. I just finished shopping by myself, and I'm heading home now. I'm in near the station near us (Sorry, I was too lazy to look up a real station in Japan. XD) . So I think we can meet earlier like at 14:30(2:30).
I message back quickly.
Alright. Until then.
I slipped my phone into my pant pocket and then finished the last one.
I then got up, wondering what I should do next.
Oh yeah, I was going to go see if  we had any ice cream left. It was hot not so long ago, but now the temperature is starting to drop. So, I guess no ice cream after all..?
I then jump onto my head, shoving my face onto my pillow.
"I wanna see Etsuko..."
A short moment had past-I grab my phone from my back pocket, checking the time.
I then get up, making sure I looked fine in my clothes. I smiled, putting my phone back into my pocket.
Something comes across my mind though, stopping me before getting to my feet.
Why does she want to see me though? Did something come up? Ah...but why do I feel like I'm missing something..? Like...
I look around the room, seeing something shine across the room on my desk. My eyes widen slightly.
I get up and walked to my desk, grabbing the shiny gold object. I smiled warmly.
This is what I'm forgetting, huh? Well, I gotta get going. She's probably almost arriving...
I walk out to the living room, noticing that the mom and dad was still watching TV.
My eyes widen slightly. Oh yes-It's going to rain..!
I then grab my coat and my red umbrella on my way out.
"I'm going out!" I call before closing the door.
"OK." They call back.
I lock the door with my keys and then look up at the sky.
"Here I come, Etsuko..!" I laugh, heading towards the station. It's going to rain soon, so I'll pick her up there instead.
About 15 minutes past and I quickly spot Etsuko holding some bags in the small crowd that is coming out of the train doors.
I smile, waving as she turns my way.
Her face blushes and she runs to me after sliding her card.
"H-Hiro..! I thought I said we would meet up at my house..!" She says as our eyes meet. "And why did you bring an umbrella?"
"You'll see." I say, opening the red umbrella up, hovering it over us.
"Ah-This umbrella..!" She smiles.
I stood there in line, waiting for my usual train to come and pick me up to school.
It was December, Christmas Eve and it was Thursday. Soon enough, the day will past by and December 25th will come...
I played with the white smoke that was coming out of my mouth every time I would create a mouth full of hot breath.
A train then came, stopping. But it wasn't my train, so I just kept standing there as people walked out, and then the rest walking back in.
But then I noticed a girl, who seemed was also in my school by her uniform, holding a red umbrella over herself.
I looked at her puzzled, wondering why she had an umbrella. Well, a red one, too.
She also had a puzzled face, looking at her umbrella. She kept looking up at it and made small gestures-poking her fingers together, moving her feet, toes rubbing against each other, and looking down and slowly looking back up.
It was very cute I might say, though I needed to look away, so I did. It's bad to stare, Hiroshi. Know your manners.
But for some reason, I would turn around to look at her, and glance at her once in a while. She looks so troubled by something... I wonder what it is?
I couldn't help but form a grin across my face-she was too cute.
But I quickly corrected my posture-frowning again. Hiroshi!! You shouldn't be laughing at her! It's bad to laugh at strangers...
I glanced back at her, noticing that she was forming tears in her eyes.
My eyes widened slightly. W-Wha..?! Oh gosh-she's going to cry! What do I do?! Wait, why do I care? It's not my prob-..!
Our eyes suddenly met and my eyes widened in surprise as I started to sweat.
She then quickly looked away and wiped away her small tears.
I also looked away, turning red.
Our eyes met!!!
I quickly glanced back at her and noticed she wasn't standing there anymore.
Eh? Where did she go?
I look around, seeing her walk down the short stairs out of the station. I furrowed my brows. What is she doing? Doesn't she also go on the same train? It's almost arriving soon, too.
I then stalked-well, followed her. And she stops at the large trash bins.
Holding her red umbrella, she sobs while slowly putting the opened umbrella in the trash.
Wa-What is she doing?!
I snatched the umbrella away from her.
"What're you doing?! At least close the umbrella before throwing it away..!" I yell.
Our eyes meet and she looks at me, surprised.
I then realize that I just yelled at the cute stranger that was apparently tearing.
My eyes widened slightly and I started to tremble, blushing.
She then quickly bows. "I'm sorry!! I-I just couldn't-it's broken..!"
She kept bowing as I stood there cluelessly, holding her red umbrella in the air awkwardly.
"O-Oh..." I look up at the umbrella. Broken? Everything is fine.
"Yes, I'm very sorry. I didn't know what to do with it so..."
She looked the other way, blushing.
Then I realized something about the umbrella. Yes-this made want to slap myself in the face.
"Uh, may I ask you something?"
"Y-Yes..!" She turns and our eyes meet.
"... Do you know how to close this..?"
Her eyes widens and she turns red in embarrassment.
"Oh-I forgot how to..!" She quickly says out loud.
I look at her with, 'eh?' Face.
After a minutes of staring at the umbrella, she burns bright red again and I sigh.
"Here." I pull down the inside of the umbrella(I don't know what you call the parts of a umbrella), closing it. "There. Know, don't open it unless you need to."
She nods her. "Yes-thank you..!"
I smile. "Then, see you around."
Her eyes widened slightly and she blushes slightly. "Ah...yes..."
I bow slightly, and walk back up to the waiting line.
"What a weird girl." I mutter to myself, chuckling.
*End of flashback*
Etsuko laughs. "It's the red umbrella..!"
I chuckle. "Yeah, ever since that incident, I had to keep it with care."
We talked while walking back to her house, only to find the it started to rain.
I smiled. "It's here..!" I mutter to myself.
"Eh? Wait-you knew it was going to rain?" Etsuko turned to me.
I nodded. "My mom was watching the news."
"Oh-well please tell your mother thank you..!"
I nod. "Don't worry, I'll relay it to her."

We arrived at her gates and it was still raining. She held up her presents to me, blushing.
"Here." She says as my eyes widens slightly. "Happy Month Anniversary, Hiroshi."
I blush, accepting the present. "E-Etsuko..."
I then burst out laughing.
"W-What?! Why are you laughing..?!" She cries.
"Ah! Nothing..! I'm just...surprised... But anyways, here."
I get down to my knee and looked up to her and pulled out the shiny golden object from my pocket.
"Happy Month Anniversary, Etsuko."
Her eyes widens and she turns red as I grab her hand and slip the golden heart shaped ring in her finger.
"I love you." I say. "Be my fiancé. I mean-I know its not time yet, but we are about to enter collage and every-."
She then squeals, hugging me. "Hiroshi!!"
I laugh, hugging her back. "I thought you wouldn't like the pushy side of me-but I guess I was wrong, Etsuko."

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