Chapter 2 (Tyler's POV)

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You watch all these adverts on TV for Cancer Research where people tell you what it's like to be told that you have cancer. They often say that their heart drops and that they're in complete shock. I can tell you now that it is exactly like that. You get told and then very quickly the doctor goes away leaving complete silence because everybody is thinking the same thing. They're all thinking that at some point I'm going to die.

I've always feared death. Mainly because I don't know what happens after. Do we get reincarnated like all Hindus believe? Or do we go to heaven like all Christians believe? Nobody knows for sure. All we do know for sure is that death has a huge impact on those close to us. Our family. Our friends. We know that we will never each other again. And that's what scares me the most. The fact that I will never see my family again. Never see my friends again.

As I think about my friends I realise that I'm going to have to try and find a way to tell them about the cancer and at the moment, I have no idea how I'm going to go about that. I think that I might get away with not being able to tell them. But what if something happens when I'm at school. Then they'll know that something isn't right and they'll start asking questions. So many questions that I will have to give in and tell them. As I think about this I realise that it's probably easier to tell them straight away rather than leave it until later.

And that's what I'm going to do. And I know exactly who I'm going to tell first.

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