Chapter 4 (Brice's POV)

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After hearing the words that Tyler had said, I didn't know what to do. I just kinda sat there, frozen, looking at this person that I had known for so long. This person who's life had completely changed in the last couples of days. This person who I now realised I didn't want to lose.

"Brice? You okay?" I looked up and Tyler was there looking at me wearing an expression on his face that said I'm sorry. But what was he sorry for. Was he sorry for not talking to me since we were four? Was he sorry for telling me what he told me? Was he sorry for making me cry?

And that's when I felt them. The tears rolling down my face. "Tyler thi-this can't be happening. I mean, your my best friend. You can't have cancer, you just can't."

"But I do Brice. I do have cancer and I know it's really big news and your not going be able to accept it just yet..."
"Just yet! Tyler, I don't think I'm ever going to accept the fact that you've got cancer. Even when you're dead I'm still not going to understand why you. Why you got picked to have this horrible, life destroying disease!"

"I don't know why I was picked either Brice, but I was so, we're just going to have to live with it. Okay?"
I nodded my head. "Okay. I can live with it."
"Are you sure?" Tyler asked, concern rising in his voice.
"I'm sure," I replied.

But secretly, I wasn't 100% convinced.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2016 ⏰

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