65- both cheaters part 2

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Harry: "You're going to meet him aren't you?" Harry asks from his spot in the dark living room. You startle, jumping against the door while covering your racing heart. "What, what are you talking about?" you ask and Harry chuckles darkly, tipping his beer against his lips. "Robert Pattinson... you're going to fuck him aren't you?" he repeats, gaze still on the dark TV. "I... don't know what you're talking about" you stutter and he lulls his head to glare at you. "I'm not stupid. You better hurry along, before Felicity gets here" he taunts and you gasp before throwing the vase where he sits. "Bit calling the kettle the black isn't it love?" he teases, standing to his full height and you sob quietly. You fall back against the door and slid to the floor. "What happened to us?" Harry asks, sitting across from you in the entry way and you shrug your tense shoulders, continuing to cry. "Can we fix this?" he asks and you can hear in his voice that he too is crying. "Can you start paying attention to me?" you counter. It's silent for several minutes before he sighs, the sound of his beer bottle rolling away the only thing reaching your ears. "I've always paid attention. I know your Friday class doesn't start until 12, I know you cry in the shower. I've known ever since you started fucking him but I thought, you were finally happy again. Maybe you just needed something different and then Felicity came and I figured, you're cheating so I can too" he answers. It's silent between the two of you the rest of the night as you sit in the entry way but when you touch your toes to his calves he knows you're willing to work things out.

Liam: You click on the link a fans sent to you, the umpteenth fan has sent to you. You stare wide eyed as you scroll through pictures of Liam, Louis, and Zayn bringing girls down their hotel corridor before disappearing into their rooms. There's a video and you torture yourself by watching your boyfriend and his friends groping random, nameless women down the hallway before pushing them into hotel rooms. You cover your mouth, the guilt you've been feeling ebbing away because Liam's been cheating as well. You still feel guilty and always will but Liam, your sweet boyfriend is doing the same. "Hey love, how was your... oh my god" Liam gasps from behind you, stopping in his tracks when he sees what fills your computer screen. "I... I'm so sorry! Being away is so hard and sometimes I just can't take being away from you. I'm sorry, please... forgive me" Liam begs, tears falling from his eyes as he drops to his knees in front of you. You stare at him for several minutes, replaying those nights you'd shared a bed with another man and know this is your chance to confess. "I love you so much, I never wanted this to happen but I was wrong. So wrong. I hate myself for doing this but please, forgive me" he pleads, taking your hands and you nod. He sighs in relief, leaning up to wrap his arms around you and that all too familiar guilt fills your soul. But, you've gotten good at compartmentalizing things in your mind and you lock away those nights with another man into a locked container, never to think of it again.
Niall: You've decided to take Niall up on his offer and visit him in Ireland. You're making your way down the hallway towards his room but stop when you hear familiar noises coming from the room. That's definitely Niall's moans but the one's that follow aren't yours or ones from DVD. You quietly make your way downstairs and take a seat on the couch, waiting for Niall to finish up with the whore upstairs. You roll your eyes when Ali walks towards the front door, not eve noticing you but Niall does. "It takes two to tango, doesn't it?" you ask, standing as he rushes to apologize. "Two can play the cheating game Niall" you admit and his eyes widen. "You, wouldn't" he says and you smirk. "Wouldn't I? You're never around, you hardly act like you love me when you are. So, why not? Why not get that elsewhere when you're lacking in it?" you tease and he growls, throwing you down on the couch as he hovers over you. "Take it back, tell me you're lying" he begs darkly but you know his heart is breaking as tears fill his eyes. "Doesn't feel good does it?" you ask, shoving him away but he pulls you to him. "Stay with me. We can work this out, we can figure it out. Whatever it takes" Niall begs and you sigh. You love Niall but serious changes must be changed if you're going to stay and stay faithful.

Louis: You scroll through your Twitter feed to see what your boyfriend was up to, knowing that the fans were more reliable than any other source would be. As you check your mentions you notice fans had sent you multiple tweets with pictures attached. You open the most recent one sent to you as try and take in what you were seeing. The photo's were taken from a fan who had snuck onto their floor, catching them in the act from down the hallway. In the photos, your boyfriend along with Liam and Zayn are holding hands with girls you had never seen before. As you scroll through the different pictures you see that they are leading them into their hotel rooms. You slam your laptop shut in fury, not thinking to yourself that you were doing the same thing with Andy. You immediately grab your phone and dial your boyfriend's number. "Hey babe," he answers completely oblivious to the pictures that had been posted of him and his other band mates. "Shut the fuck up, who is she?" You ask in pure anger. "Who is who?" He asks trying to act oblivious. "Don't start that shit Louis, that bitch you brought back to your hotel room, who is she?" you shout over the phone. The silence on the other end expressed his guilt. "I'm sorry," he says solemnly. "I don't know what I was thinking, it just kind of happened." "You just kind of brought a whore back to your hotel room," you repeat. "(y/n) I'm sorry," he apologizes again. "Just stop!" you shout. "How could you? Are you that fucking lonely Louis? Fly me out if you are, Jesus Christ!" You sit in silence for a moment before you hear your phone beep telling you there was a call waiting. "I've got to go, but don't even fucking think this is over," you scoff before ending the conversation without giving him a chance to say anything else. As you look at your caller ID you see Andy is on the other end. "Hey love," you answer calmly. "You coming over tonight?" he asks. "Do you want me to come over tonight?" you repeat. "Yeah," he says with an obvious smile. "Then yes, I'll be over tonight, so prepare yourself."

Zayn: You were sitting in front of your computer looking at pictures of your boyfriend and some of his other band mates as they walk hand in hand with girls you had never seen before into their individual hotel rooms. You couldn't believe what you were seeing, yet it honestly didn't come to much of a surprise after all. You were doing the same thing to Zayn as he was doing to you, you were just made aware of it before he was. It wasn't long before Zayn was calling to try and explain the pictures. "Don't," you tell him with a sad tone. "Why?" He asks. "Because I have something to tell you," you say as you try and prepare yourself for what you were about to say to him. "Nathan's been calling me," you say finally getting your nerves up. "And?" Zayn urges. "And I've been going over to his house while you've been away," you say after a deep breath. The line falls silent as you both sit in pure defeat. "I think it's best we end this relationship with this conversation," you say after the two of you sit in silence. "I'll pack my things up and get out before you come back," you continue, still in the same sorrowful tone. As Zayn continues to be silent , tears fall from your face. "I'm going to go now Zayn," you tell him. "(y/n)?" he says almost immediately. "Yeah Zayn?" you ask eagerly. "I love you," he says. "I love you too," you say as your heart breaks and you hang up the phone.

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