#8- whats it like?

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Harry: *His POV* I watch as (Y/N) leans over the railing of the large crib, inspecting it carefully before turning to me. "What about this one?" she asks as she rests a hand on her stomach. I'm about to respond but the thought that had been whirring in my head all day comes out first, "What's it like?" "What do you mean?" she says as I take a step closer. "Being pregnant. I want to know what it's like to you. I've never seen you more happy in your life than these past couple months (Y/N)." I wait for her response as she thinks, a familiar smile growing on her face after a minute when she looks up at me. "It's...amazing really, knowing that our little girl or boy is in here. You're immediately attached, you know? Sure I get tired, hungry, moody. I can't take it too seriously though, because in the end I know that we'll love him or her more than anything." She finishes with another glowing smile. My actions speak before my words as I step forward and capture her lips in a sweet kiss, pulling away to place a hand on top of hers, "Thank you."

Louis: "C'mon (Y/N) it'll be fine! Just go with it babe." he coaxes as the two of you stand in the dark hallway that leads to the closed off arena. "Lou we both know we aren't allowed in there, they'll kill us if they find out." you scold him from a few feet behind. He huffs and turns around to walk towards you. "Please? I promise it'll be fun. Here, I'll go first." he says and pulls at your arm to guide you. It's not that you didn't want to, you've just always been one to follow the rules per se. "How do you just, not care, about stuff? I wish I knew what it was like sometimes..." you say quietly as he pulls you along slowly. He stops when he hears you, his body turning once again to face you. "You wanna know what it's like? To be honest it's the best feeling, the adrenaline rush. Never knowing when you might get caught, that's the best part love." he responds with a wide smile and excited eyes. "So would you care to join me this time?" he offers his hand to you again with a hopeful smile. Your eyes shift from the ground, to the walls, and back to him nervously before you place your hand in his. "There's my girl." he says with a small laugh as he leads you through the empty hallway.

Niall: The sound of his bags hitting the floor of your apartment and his footsteps through the hallway made your heart skip another beat before you heard his voice. "(Y/N)? You home?" he shouted as his thick accent carried through the air for the first time in months. Stepping out into the hallway you couldn't keep your excitement in, "Niall..." you said as you walked towards him, causing him to turn around and smile. As you got closer you felt his strong arms pull you into a hug and his face rest in your neck. "I missed you. I missed you so much." he said quietly as you held onto him "I missed you too. I couldn't wait until you got home..." you mumbled just as subtle as he had, letting out a sigh of relief. Leaning his head away he landed a kiss on your lips before pulling away. You smiled and took both of his hands in yours, "So tell me, what was it like? What's tour like?" He just laughed and looked around as if to remember all that had happened, "It's...It's amazing, really. Different city every night, crowds that blow your mind away. I'd do it forever if I could. But you want to know the only part I don't like about it?..." you looked at him confused before nodding your head. You watch his hand come up to brush over your cheek softly as he smiles, "...not having you there with me."

Liam: *His POV* "Almost ready babe?" I call from the bathroom as I attempted to fold and weave my tie the correct way, failing horribly. Walking out into the shared bedroom I can't help but let my eyes widen. With her tight cocktail dress and high heels, I wasn't sure how I was going to make it through this dinner. "Does this look okay?" (Y/N) asks as she turns to me with a hand placed on her hip, snapping me out of my daydream. I step towards her so we're close, so close that our chests are flush against each other. "What's it like being so beautiful?" I murmur quietly as my thumb comes up to brush her hair to the side of her face. Her blush is the response to my question and she brings her hands up to fiddle with my tie. "Let me fix this for you..." she says as she concentrates, sticking her tongue between her lips the way I always adored. "You are though, you're beautiful to me." I whisper more to myself just as she finishes, her eyes coming up to meet mine. "Lets go yeah?" I offer before she places her small hand in mine with a smile.

Zayn: The grip on your waist was tight, yet warm and safe. Rolling over in the sheets you saw he was still asleep, his tattooed chest rising up and down. Fresh stubble shown on his jaw, and his dark hair was messy. "Morning love..." a low voice mumbles, bringing your eyes back to him. "Morning..." you say with a small yawn. He smiles a little and moves his hand thats on your back in large comforting circles. "I wish you could see how cute you look when you wake up. Sometimes I just wish you could see things like I do. Then you'd know what it's like to wake up to you every morning." he says while his feet brush up against yours at the end of the bed. "And what's that like, hm?" you respond, causing his eyes to light up slightly. He shifts closer to you so you feel his hot breath on your skin, "It's the best thing a guy could ask for. I can't think of anything else I'd rather do than wake up next to my gorgeous girlfriend every day..." he answers quietly before kissing your lips tenderly with a smile.

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