80- In Labour...

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Harry would be so happy during the birth of his child; not happy that you were in pain, obviously, but happy that soon his own child would be brought into this world. He loves children, so he's very very excited about this. He encourages you throughout the birth. "You can do it, Y/N!"
Liam would be a little worried, to be honest, because this is a big deal, and what if something went wrong? What if you got hurt, or the baby wasn't okay? He would try to be there for you while you are in labor, holding your hand and kissing your hair, pushing the doubt to the back of his mind for the time being as he tries to soothe you, enduring your tight and painful grip on his hand. "You're doing good, Y/N, you're okay."
Zayn would be the one to freak out, in all honesty. He'd be very concerned, and would possibly have a panic attack right there in the hospital when he sees how much pain you are in. He doesn't want you to be hurting, so when he sees the pain on your face he freaks out and the doctors have to calm him down. When he's back in check, he tries to be strong for you and act like he isn't internally freaking out; though when he tries to soothe you, it's more like he's trying to calm down himself. "Okay, it's going to be okay. Everything's going to be okay."
Louis would be very excited for the birth of his child, much like Harry. He would probably tone it down a little though, and decide against cheering or jumping in happiness, instead sitting next to you and clasping your hand in his. He would slide his thumb soothingly across the skin, and push the hair out of your face, looking at you adoringly. "You're going to be such a great mother, Y/N."
Niall would be very confused, slightly disgusted, and somewhat freaked out. He's not too keen on this whole idea of 'childbirth', and the notion of it freaks him out a little. He'd do well to hide it though, at least for a while, squeezing your hand in encouragement. He wouldn't really say much, I don't think, because he's already a little out of his depths. He'd probably just sit next to you and try to be encouraging.

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