Do You Want To Know A Secret?

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George was right; the receptionist waved Rita right through when she told her who she was. She made her way down the long hallway and turned in the direction the young receptionist told her until the door read studio two. The red light was on and she was told not to go in if the light was on. Rita quietly opened the door next to it and moved without a sound inside the control booth.

She saw a man in his thirties hovering over the control panel, along with a few other men. One was tall, bulky, with brown wavy hair and thick black glasses; this man waved her over. She noticed another man along side the older man. They were playing with dials and levers on the panel in front of them. She slowly walked over to the tall man. He smiled and shook her hand as he whispered to her.

"You must be Rita. George told me you were coming, but not to say a word to the others. Here luv, sit down and watch. They're still recording; I think you'll rather enjoy it." Mal moved the chair closer so that she could watch, but not be seen.

"Thank, I seem to be at a disadvantage here, you know my name and I don't know yours," Rita looked up at the huge man.

"Sorry, I'm Mal. Mal Evans I was the lads road manager until they stopped touring. Now, I watch out for them, bodyguard and take care of them. Would you like a coke?" Mal smiled down at the beautiful, pixie haired girl.

"Yes, thank you." She took it and notice that he had opened it for her. She knew he was used to doing things like that for the lads, as he called them.

Rita smiled as the two men by the control panel looked over at her and smiled back in bewilderment. They quickly went back to what they were doing. Rita found she enjoyed watching the process of recording the record. She knew they were just adding some things and that the song was pretty much done.

Rita heard Paul call up to a man named George; she figured this man had to be the famous George Martin.

"How did that sound? Good, or should we do it again?" Paul looked up to the big window. He heard the other three groan as he asked. He was used to that and they were used to his perfectionism, so he ignored it as he asked.

George Martin nodded and pushed the intercom button, "Yes, I think that sounded rather good the best out of all of them. I think we're through here. I'm going to wrap it up in here. You boys can put up your instruments." He added as he continued to hit buttons on the big panel.

Paul shook his head, "Right, thanks George."

The young guitarist put his guitar away. His stomach lurched, it was about time to gather the lads together and he was nervous. He had seen Rita come in and knew no one else had.

Ringo got off his stool; put his headphones and sticks down. He emerged from the partition he sat behind.

John rushed to put his guitar away before Paul changed his mind. He knew it was good that Paul liked to make the recordings as best as he could, but it drove him and the other's batty. Although Paul's drive did help him when he felt to lazy to change things for the better on his songs.

"Cor, Macca I thought you'd have us here all night on this bleedin song." John told him as he bent to lock up his guitar case.

"Leave off John. Don't you want the best sound for our music?" Paul asked, his brow rose as he looked down at the rhythm guitarist.

" 'Course I do, it's just you're so fuckin fanatical about this sort." John straightened himself and then stretched, cracking his back.

Ringo came up to them, " We done? I need to get me a bevy."

"Sounds good to me, think I'll go with you. Hey George, don't do the play back until we come back from fetching a bevy." John yelled up to the control booth, "You hear me?"

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