Mondays ain't the luckiest

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As always, Monday hits you like a stack of bricks.

Mom goes in my room and yells, "Wake up dear! Your school starts today."

Just great. I went downstairs to eat breakfast. As I slowly ate my cereal, I stared out the window.

"A beautiful windy day," I thought.

After washing my bowl, I went upstairs to get ready for school. After a few minutes, I went downstairs to pack my bag.

"English book? Check. Math book? Check. Science book? Check. Notebooks? Check."

I kissed my mom and dad good-bye and stepped out the door. I was waiting for the school bus to arrive when suddenly a random school boy stepped on my shoes.

"Um. Excuse me?" I asked.

"What? You got a problem shorty?" He replied.

I knew it. He was one of those "cool" kids from school. I hate those kind of people. Soon, the school bus arrived. I was about to enter when the same school boy pushed me just so he could go in first.

"Do you have a problem?" I asked impatiently.

He didn't reply.

"Breathe in. Breathe out. No fighting on the first day." I calmy said to myself.

We finally arrived school. Well, they finally repainted those gross-looking green walls to a new apple green. I stepped in my old classroom and nothing changed. Our old blackboard is still there. Our used chalks are still there. At least our chairs were replaced with new ones. Math class was first in our schedule. Usually, I would just doodle in my Math notebook, but today felt different. I grabbed my pen and I started taking down some notes. When Math class was over, I had to go freshen up. I saw Mr. Rude School Boy on my way to the girls' bathroom. It was a little creepy because all he did was stare at me. When I went inside, I saw a shocking image. She was the one that stole Dann from me. Jess was the one that made me suffer. Jess was the one who made me cut myself. It was her all along. I tried my best not to look at her, but every glance I took would bring back thousands of memories. I couldn't help it. I just left the girls' bathroom crying.

"Why?" I thought to myself.

I tried to stay strong and wiped my tears away. English class was actually fun. We just discussed a short lesson and our teacher let us do anything we want to. I took that time to doodle my pain and anger. The last two months were depressing for me. I kept remembering Dann. His sparkling eyes. His perfect laugh. His wonderful personality. We were almost perfect until Jess came along. Soon, the lunch bell rang and everyone rushed to the canteen. I saw today's menu. As always, the lunch was disgusting. I just got an apple and some crackers from my bag and ate that. After lunch, we had Science class. Science was a pain in the ass. Periodic tables, molecules, radioactivity, explosions, etc. I just highlighted everything in my book. That's me. After a few minutes, Science was over. I packed my things and left our classroom.

As I was about to leave, that random school boy approached me and said, "Hey. Um. I'm sorry about this morning."

I grinned, "Apology accepted. Have a nice afternoon."

I walked down the same hallways. Same lockers. Same people. I waited for the school bus to fetch me and my fellow bus mates. The bus arrived and opened its doors. I sat at the very first seat. After 10 minutes, the school bus dropped me off. I went inside our house, dropped my bag on the floor, and removed my shoes. I told my mom about everything at school. She tries to help me get over Dann.

"You had a rough day, Dear. Ice cream?" Mom asked cheerfully.

"Haha. Sure!" I smiled at Mom.

She got the ice cream tub out of the fridge and got me a huge scoop. While I was eating my ice cream, Dad went downstairs. I kissed him on his sweaty cheek. He demanded for some ice cream as well. As we ate our ice creams, we were talking about my first day in school. I told them everything and, of course, they gave me some tips and advice. Oh, how I love them so. I finished my ice cream and went upstairs to take a shower and change into my comfy PJs. I sat down on my warm bed and thought about what happened today.

"Dann and I would make a beautiful couple," I thought to myself.

I tried to stop thinking about today. I got my laptop and browsed through my Facebook. I saw some cool quotes and hilarious prank videos. Time passed and soon it was dinner. Dad made some amazing nachos.

"Honey. You did a wonderful job," Mom told Dad.

They're so sweet and adorbs. After eating a lot of nachos, I kissed Mom and Dad good night and went upstairs. I brushed my teeth and went to sleep.

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