Chapter Two~ Shan

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Chapter Two
***Monday, September 14***6:30pm***

I hate when Coach makes us skate from one end to the other as quickly as possible for what feel like hours. I know that it help and everything, but I still hate it. We just got done with a hundred of those things. At least practice ends in an hour and a half.

"Hey Speedy," Michael, number 16 left forward, said bumping into me at water break. "After practice would you want to come to my place and do our "homework"?"

"Sure I will have to text my parents before I go," I answered him while Coach look right at us with this smirk.

"Boys, lets run our plays, Valen get over and set your offense up!" Coach yelled at us.

***TIME SKIP***9:30pm***

Practice was drawn out way too long, but we needed that because we have two very tough games this Friday and Saturday.

In the locker room I texted my mom saying I will be at Michael's house to do my homework. With that I grabbed my large smelly bag and brought it to my car and drove to Michael's house.

At Michael's we was on YouTube watching some videos while playing a NHL video game. "Valen, you can't beat me! This is my game!" Michael yells after I score my eight point in the first period.

"Um... sorry, but I'm kinda am and have every time we play this game. So what you searching on YouTube?"

"Have you ever hear of Sophie Nixon or Singing Nixon?"

"Isn't she the "Hot Singing Girl That Makes You Cry When She Sings" lady." I started to laugh after I said that.

"That's the one. She has a new video, you should watch it with me."

I didn't have much choice because he pushed play. She talked for a little while and I didn't pay attention, but when she started to sing I was drawn in.

Michael had tears silently rolling down his face. I didn't make fun of him because I was on the verge of tears too.

"HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE!" Michael exclaimed. "She turned two tough hockey players to babies!"

"Well only one of us is tough hockey player which is me. You are the baby here."

"You jackass, you fucking jackass!"

"Does your mother know that you have such a potty mouth. Do I need to wash your fucking mouth out with a bar of soap. Only tough hockey players can swear without the bar of soap."

Michael tackled me, but before he could do anything I put him in a light choke hold only for couple seconds or minutes. When I let him go he jabbed my left cheek.

We bursted out laughing and then I looked at Michael's clock that read, 10:30. "Shit! Got to go, see you in school tomorrow. That is if my mom doesn't kill me before it."

***TIME SKIP***11:15pm***

"SHAN MITCHELL VALEN!" Mom yelled at me as I tried to sneak into the house. My family we have a rule that you have to be home by 10:30 which I am late by forty-five minutes.

"Sorry, I left late and..." I started but go cut off by Dad.

"You should have text when you left or called us. You are in trouble, YOUNG MAN! Go and take a shower and sit at this table to do your homework because I know that you didn't do it at Michael's!"

I rolled my eyes and grabbed my PJ's and hopped into a five minute shower.

When I sat at the table Mom and Dad looked at all my homework and told me that I have to get three papers, five worksheets and one oral report to get done before they wake up.

***TIME SKIP***Tuesday, September 15***3:45am***

My homework is finally done. Now I only get two hours and forty-five minutes of sleep. Yippee! I guess that I now have to get as much beauty sleep as I can manage to get.

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