Always on my mind

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~Always on my mind~

Jimmy's P.O.V:

All I could think about while working was Loli, I couldn’t get our night together out of my head. The smell of her skin, the taste of her lips, the feel of her body against mine. All of it felt so right, like we were born for each other. I know, I know I never thought I would be thinking these sappy cheesy thoughts, but I can't help it, she has this hold on me and I couldn't shake it even if I wanted to.

'Jimmy,,, dude, are you still in there?' I was snapped back to he now by Matt slapping me gently.


'Wow must have been some day dream.' Zacky laughed

'Not a day dream a memory.' they all raised their brows.

'What kind of memories would cause that.' Brian asked pointing to my crotch.

'Holy fuck shit, sorry.' and as you can imagine in exited that room faster than a speeding bullet. See what I mean, she got me so wired shit like that is now happening. I was mortified.

'I bet it was a memory of Loli, you did say she never came home last night.' Zacky aid his tone told me he had a amused grim spread across his face.

'Shut it due, she is my cousin not something I want to think about.' Johnny retorted less than impressed, now typically Johnny would be first in line to laugh at this but I think he knew full well what I was no doubt thinking off.

'Just saying.'

'Zacky come on can it, how would you like it if it was your sister or cousin.' Matt said

'I have no problem with them being together I am happy for them but I don;t want such vivid details is all.' Johnny informed them. My problem had gone but I was to mortified to go back into that room, but I had to, we had work to do. So with a deep breath in a opened the door. They all, minus Johnny wore grins on their face and my face flushed red.

'Sorry about that, I erm well lets just get on with work shall we?' I said

'Are you sure? I mean-'

'Zacky finish that sentence and I will have to kick your ass' Johnny warned

'Dude just having fun lighten up.' Zacky said in hid defence.

Loli's P.O.V:

The day of my photo shoot had finally arrived and I had to admit I was kind of nervous with Jimmy there. I know he had obviously seen my body but this was different. I showed my I.D Jimmy showed his pass and I led him to my trailer where my make up artist was already setting up.

'Hey Kendra.' I said with a smile

'Hey Loli and?'

'This is Jimmy my... uh my friend' I said feeling unsure how I was supposed to answer that question, since we didn't have a specific relationship status. 'Just letting him see behind the scenes so to speak.'

'Ah well this part is not glamorous, not until she steps in the room, you know I have quite a difficult job. I mean how can make someone as beautiful as her any more beautiful?'

'Shush Kendra you are embarrassing me, but seriously I would be nothing without her, she makes all the glam come to life.'

'Na darling a artist is only as good as their canvas, I am just lucky to have a naturally beautiful canvas to start with.' he beamed.

'You are so sweet.'

'Speaking off are you ready?'

'And willing.' I smiled and sat in the chair. 'You can take a seat, sorry this bit might be boring for you.'

I Give My Heart [Nothing can compare in this world][Jimmy The Rev Sullivan]Where stories live. Discover now