Chapter 4

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I posted this on the wrong story. Lol. :) Here ya go. It was edited by BrookeLewis15 check out her stuff!!!

I’m not even going to say it..... I will say that I revealed the ??? Pov only because I have a really awesome idea. Those of you who have read my arranged marriage story will understand. :)



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Chapter 4

(??’s Pov)

The man in the gray coat returned home to find his beautiful wife sleeping peacefully on the couch. He smiled and wondered how’d he’d gotten so lucky. He loved her with all of his heart, and he knew that he would be revealed as soon as Lance Stevenson found out who he was. He would try his hardest to keep both him and his wife safe. After all this was all for her and his, and not to mention his packs protection. He knew when Jane had called him, that it would be a hard thing to, and when he’d told his wife, she thought it was  a bad idea as well. But when he’d convinced her otherwise, then she thought it was a good idea. After all, she knew the information they needed and he need to get Lance Stevenson on his good side. He didn’t want to work with Jane. He wasn’t that type of person. So he decided he would get Lance Stevenson and his mate to help him and his wife get to the mystery of it all.

“Mmmmm. Babe?” His wife asked, sleepily.

He sighed and went over to her, before pulling her into his arms and holding her close. “Hey. You feeling okay?”

She smiled at him and nodded. “Of course. I just wish you’d take me with you to see Jane.”

“You know why I can’t do that hon.” The man told her gently, stroking her cheek with his hand.

“I know, I know. We have to stay undercover, so that Sarah and Lance, don’t find out who we are. It’s not like Sarah will now who you or I are. Lance will know you are, but not me.” His wife explained, crossing her arms.

The man laughed, gently. “He knows our story, baby.”

“Oh? Does he now? And how are you so sure he will help us?”

“Because if he doesn’t. Chances are they will come after Sarah too. Then the both of you will be in trouble.


“Sweetheart, just trust me. Okay?”

She pouted and looked him in the eyes. “Okay.”

The door busted open and in walked another man, out of breath and sweaty. “Claire! Nick!”


(Sarah’s Pov.)

“.....And this is the cafeteria, the music hall , oh and over there is the band hall.” I told Austin pointing to different things in the hallway as I gave him a grand tour of the school. We had been going on like this for the past 15 minutes. I got here extra earlier in order to give him a tour. Lance didn’t know I was already here. I hadn’t told him, only because I knew he would want to come. And I didn’t want him to find out about me helping Austin.

“Seems pretty Lame.” Austin said, rolling his eyes as we passed the lockers in the senior hallway.

“Well sorry if we’re too lame for you, Mr. Hotstuff.” I said, sighing and crossing my arms. I was tired of his rude remarks. They were really starting to annoy me.

“Hotstuff?” Austin laughed, as he leaned against a locker, which I assumed wasn’t his.

“Yeah. Don’t flatter yourself. I don’t find you hot in that way. In case you haven’t noticed, I’m engaged.” I told him, flashing my left hand at him, which had my engagement ring on it.

“Right.....” Austin said, a smirk playing at his lips.

“Alright, Austin. Have fun. I’m outta here. I gotta meet my friends Lilly and Nathan outside by the front doors. Which is where I’m assuming Lance will be. So catch ya later!” I told him, turning on my heel, not giving him as chance to reply as I made my way to the front doors to wait for Lilly and Nathan.

Lance still had no idea that I was helping Austin out. Of course it hadn’t been 24 hours yet, so It’s not like it had been that long. I was hoping to get some information out of Austin, in hopes that maybe I could find out what him and Lance had against each other.

I pushed my way out of the school and saw Lilly sitting there on the steps, her eyes red and she looked like she was crying. Not to mention she obviously had been crying.

“Lilly!” I called, running over to her and leaning in front of her as she bawled even harder, the tears pouring down her cheeks.

“H-he..... H-he....” Lilly bawled, throwing her arms around me as her body shook uncontrollably with sobs.

“Lilly. Hey, what happened? What did Nathan do?” I asked, her, as I held her in a best friend like way. I knew automatically who he was when she said it. It was obviously Nathan.

She pulled away after awhile, when her sobs subsided and then she curled her knees to her chest and laid her chin on them. “He was with Sam when I called him this morning. I heard her voice in the background, Sarah. He tried to explain, but I hung up before he could,.”

“Lilly. That doesn’t necessarily mean that he’s cheating on you.” I told her, handing her a few tissues that I pulled out of my purse. I knew they would come in handy!

Lilly took the tissues and wiped her eyes. “No. But he obviously doesn’t love me as much as he says he does, Sarah. He’s with Sam! I mean after everything she did these past few weeks, he’s hanging out with her of all people.”

“Aw, Lilly. I’m sorry.” I told her, hugging her as she held onto me tightly, needing the comfort I assumed.

“It’s just I love him so much Sarah. And ever since I told Sam, it’s like she wants him because I do. It’’s just..... It’s just NOT fair!” She said, the tears filling in her eyes again.

“Lilly. Lilly calm down. You know why Nathan loves you. And whether he likes it or not, he’s stuck with you. He loves you. Even if it weren’t for that one little fact, Nathan would still love you. He’s just that type of person. And you are the only one that he is in love with.”

“No. Because if I was he would-”

“What? Tell you everyday how much you mean to me? Tell you everyday how much I love you? Tell you everyday that Sam doesn’t matter to me?” Nathan said from behind us.

I pulled away from the hug me and Lilly were still in and I looked at Nathan, who’s eyes were on Lilly, as she stared at him.

“Go away.” Lilly told him, grabbing her bag and getting up.

“No.” Nathan said, crossing his arms and looking at Lilly.

“Come on Sarah. Let’s go inside.” Lilly said, grabbing my arm.

I opened my mouth to say okay. But then I remembered that both of them were my best friends and if I chose one over the other, one of them would be mad at me.

“Lilly!” Nathan said, walking over to her and pulling on her other arm so that she was facing him. He looked down at her, and tilted her chin so that she had to look at him. “Lilly. I love you. What you heard on the phone this morning wasn’t what you thought it was. Sam is going through something right now and I was helping her. That’s all it was, Lilly. I promise. I love you.”

Lilly sighed. “Promise?”

“I promise.”

Lilly smiled. “Okay. I forgive you.” Then she pulled him to her and kissed him.

I walked away, without them noticing, so that they could have some time to themselves. I didn’t want to disturb them.

I went and leaned against a tree that was standing in the middle of the yard, hoping Lance would get here soon. I wondered what exactly Sam needed help with , that Nathan had offered to help her with. Because if he kept on hanging out with her, Lilly was going to keep being suspicious.

“What are you thinking so hard about?” A voice whispered in my ear and I jumped about 15 feet. Lance laughed and kissed my forehead.’

“Don’t do that!” I said, looking at him. “It’s not funny!”

“I thought it was.” Lance said, still chuckling, as he pulled me to him and wrapped his arms around me, leaning down and kissing me on the lips.

I smiled at his attempt to apologize and kissed him back, wrapping my arms around his neck, pulling his face closer to mine. Because he was so much taller than me, it made it harder to kiss him without having to pull him closer to me.

“Okay.” I said against his, lips. “Let’s go inside.”

Lance sighed and nodded and together we walked hand into the school doors.

“So. What’s with Lilly?” Lance asked, making conversation as we walked to my locker.

I explained to him what had happened, not leaving anything out as I got my stuff from my locker and we made our way to Lance’s locker. I finished the explanation as Lance shut his locker door and took my hand and we both made our way to class.

“So I wonder what his deal with Sam is.” Lance pondered, sighing.

“I don’t know, Lance. But it’s really starting to creep me out. And not to mention, Lilly.”

Lance frowned. “It’s not like Nathan to just do something like this. He’s usually more careful about what he does. Especially where Lilly's concerned.”

“Well I haven’t known either of them that long, and I even now that Nathan is very careful with what he does. So why is now any different?”

“I don’t know. Let me talk to Nathan about it.”

I nodded. “Make sure you tell me what he says.”

Lance nodded. “Okay.”

We arrived at my first period class, English 4. Lance didn’t have this class with me, so he kissed me at the door and made his way down the hall.

I leaned against the wall and waited for Lilly to get here. I wanted to know the rest of the conversation Nathan and her had.

“Sarah?” A feminine voice called from behind me.

I frowned and turned around and sighed with relief when I saw Leslie. I didn’t know why I hadn’t recognized her voice.

“Hey Leslie.” I said, smiling and walking over to her.

“Hey..... I saw you over here and I just wanted to come say hi.”

I smiled and nodded and then I saw her walk back down the hall and I pondered about who her mate could be. ______________________________ Yes this hasn't happened in I am his wife, he loves me, so why is she here, yet. But it will!!!!! Enjoy!!!!!

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