Chapter 6: "I'll Stay...."

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Harry's POV:

When we arrived home Bella was fast to sleep we didn't exchange any words.

She was sleeping deeply while on the other side I was awake watching her sleeping which started to make me feel as if I'm a stalker.But I was thinking about her and me,thinking about my next move now that she knows the truth.

I was resting my head on the arm chair when I felt my eyelids heaving and I fell into heavy dreamless sleep.Thinking that I just wanted to get her out of her shitty black hole of self pity and show her that I do care for her .


The sun crept through the curtains making me open my eyes and blink few times to adjust to the glowing light ,there was a killing ache in me neck from last night's restless sleep.

Bella was still sleeping tangled with the covers breathing slowly.

Dragging my feet towards her I knelt down next to her and ran my knuckles on her cheeks taking in her beauty my breath hitched in my throat when her eyes opened slowly but she didn't scream or shout in my face she stood still not moving just staring up in my eyes.

"I believe you" she whispered .

"I swear I'd never hurt you ever and I'll protect you no matter what"

"I know" she said nodding moving her hand to my right cheek which made me lean into her touch making me feel safe and loved .

 "Hey,umm after breakfast I'll go out a little bit ,bu-but if you want me to stay I won't go"

"no no go I'm sure it's something important so,yeah it's fine I'll just stay here"


Bella's POV:

After we ate our breakfast Harry went out to the woods .

He tried to tell me that if I wanted him to stay he will but I didn't,I was sure that what ever he was going to was important and that I didn't want to cancel it just because it was boring in here.

While I was sitting here I tried doing anything to distract the boredom out of my mind it was killing I changed into a comfortable outfit (Outfit in the external link) and started to prepare for my day.

I read a book or maybe tow or three,invented things from nothings,danced around the house,cocked meals that tasted like trash and then,an idea popped in my head,DISCOVER THE AROUND THE HOUSE .

 It was beautiful outside although it was dark the moon light  made it a bit easy for me.

I've been walking around and when I say walking around I mean walking around my self cause I swear I saw this squirrel before,I've always wanted one.Then it hit me ,I'M LOST GREAT JUST,GREAT. I didn't notice that I've been staring at the cute squirrel until a ruffling sound came from the trees.

And a HUGE wolf came out,part of me wanted to go all ninja and run away but the other part knew that if I ran the wolf would run behind me due to smelling my fear,so I stood still.

When the wolf came fully in view I saw it's features and it was beautiful,big green eyes,brown fur and a big built body.

I didn't feel like running away cause I some how felt safe,I felt a pull towards this wolf as it continued to come towards me. But I know those green orbs.WAIT A MINUTE.HARRY.

The wolf closed the gap between us and came in front of me and  sat back so that he was a little bit shorter.

"Harry?" I breathed out and he snorted.

I reached my hand and ran it through his fur ,it was rough and in the same time soft and thick.

I knelt down a bit and rested my forehead in his and ran my hand allover his furry body which made him purr loudly making a vibration sound through his body which made me smile making me think he actually liked my touch.

Then he opened his eyes looking deeply in mine as if looking right into my soul and stood again all on fours and pushed me slightly to walk forward until I figuered he was leading me back home .

I opened the front door and went inside the he left again leaving me confused just when I closed the door I heard  big bang in the bedroom upstairs.

I ran quickly up the stairs towards the room and before I can open the bedroom door he did and pressed me to the wall next to the door looking down at me.

"Do you feel it now ?" H e whispered.

"Yes" I breathed out.

"Promise me you'll stay."

I nodded.

"No,say it.I need to hear you saying it."

"I'll stay."


Again for every one who's reading this and voted for the story thank you soooo much you're amazing. ;*





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