Ch. 4 Kagura the Demon Lover and Lies!

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Last time on The Butterfly falls for the Cat? We all were about to meet a special person that somehow knows Kyo, a little too well.

 ~Hailey's POV~

Alright so basically it should start out like a normal day in the Sohma house right? WRONG! Nothing's ever normal in the house but this was even weirder. Shigure, Yuki, Kyo, Tohru and I were around the table until we all felt a rumbling.

"What is that an earthquake??" I said

"Sounds likes she's here early..." Shigure said as I toppled over from the shaking of the ground as Kyo yelped and stried to run away, but Shigure being the 'oh so helpful' man he is, he catches Kyo by the back of his shirt.

"No so fast Kyo~" Shigure said as Tohru and I sweat dropped.

"I didn't know you were expecting anyone....." We said as the shaking stopped. I soon sighed getting up, dusted myself off as I go to answer the door. I looked to see no one there?

"Now I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer but I was sure someone was here. And that door wasn't open!' i said staring at the open door until a girl appeared from no where making me yelp. "Gah!" i said until she started talking.

"Are you....Hailey Sohma..." She asked looking down with a gloomy aura around her.

"uh....yeah...." i said a little freaked out. "Who's askin...." I said as the girl started to mumble.

"Well I see.... I'm Kagura...Kagura Sohma." She said looking up showing her cute gray eyes.

"Oh Kagura Sohma." i said with a small smile to her. 'Now that is just a cute name for a cute little girl!' I thought smiling to her. Hey I maybe be a tomboy but cute things get to me~

"Well I um....I heard that Kyo was here and please tell me that it's true." She said in a quiet voice.

"Oh yeah~ The orange top's here. You'd like to see him?" i said as a yellow arrow was pointing to the cat that was trying to flee that area.

"Kyo?" Kagura said looking past me.

"Kagura!" Kyo said with a sweat drop as he was still trying to run away for some reason.

Soon it came to where Kagura was running to Kyo chanting his name. 'Strange why is the orange top trying to run from her?' I thought until something happened.

That is until Kagura was asking about why kyo didn't call her or send her anything as Kyo was still freaking out. Then it happened.

"oh kyo.....I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!!!!" She said going from a little cutie to punching Kyo square in the face. I blinked a little shocked as Tohru was ghost white. What the....

Next thing you know Kyo's flying past Yuki, crushing through the screen wall, as Kagura  chased after him.

"YOU HAD ME WORRIED SICK!!!!!" She said twirling Kyo by his ankle as if he were a ragdoll. Who is this chick!?

"Well it looks like we'll be needing to replace that door." Yuki said watching Kyo getting beaten to a pulp.

"Soemtimes I think that the whole world is revolving to destroy my house..." Shigure said as Tohru and I stared outside mumbled a 'Sorry...'

"Oh No I was just kidding. This is Kagura's way of showing affection." He said as I stood in shock. This is how she shows affection? Weird weird werid!

"She must love Kyo a lot then..." I mumble watching Kyo get beaten.

"She can get carried away with her emotions, especially when she's around Kyo. You'd never believe it but she's Two years older than us." Yuki said.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2013 ⏰

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