Chapter 8

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HEYY GUYS!! Make sure to read after the story I'm giving some important info!!!!


The past 3 weeks have been horrible. My days have been spent thinking about Niall, Niall and Niall. The hurt in my heart is beyond explanation. The closest word to explaining my pain is torture, but it's so much more. Niall and my love was the kind you read about in stories and watch on movies. Our love was stronger than any other kind. We had the love that lasts forever not the summer love that lasts for the short months of summer. Strangely I haven't shed a single year yet. All I have done is think. I don't have enough strength to cry. If I cry it won't stop it will just keep coming and coming. Until I cried a whole ocean of tears.

I had to close my eyes at that second to stop the storm of tears threatening

to break free and stream down my face. I want to cry but not now not yet. I need to stay strong for Nialler! He would want at least that.

I started thinking about Niall which was nothing strange to do considering I had non stop thought about him for 3 whole weeks. But the first thought that came to my weak mind was the day Niall asked me on our first date.

•ROSE'S POV• (past)

The past few weeks have been surprisingly fun. Niall is a really funny guy and he is sure not shy anymore. I have been able to really open up to him and talk to him which is almost impossible for me.

My feelings for him have been growing fast. I have really begun to like this guy. He is constantly on my mind which is crazy because I met him like 3 weeks ago. The butterflies are non stop when he is around. We just have this special spark when we are together.

I wonder if he likes me back? Eh who am I kidding! Niall Horan doesn't like me, there are so many girls that love him. When girls walk into Hollister and see him there faces just light up with pure lust! It's kinda gross and creepy in a way. Niall always seems to look past them though and keep his care free personality going. Once he goes to my school he will realize what a loser I am and go date one of those plastic popular girls. I still can't believe I was once best friends with one of those girls. Knowing Niall though he would look past the plastic and love her anyways. Ugh!

"Umm Rose what are you doing? You have been standing there smiling like an idiot then frowning for at least 5 minutes! Get to work babe!" I heard Niall's sweet Irish voice say. Making me jump and turn around to see him smiling at me. He looked great today which was pretty likely considering he is the most gorgeous guy in the world. Well not considering Channing Tatum.

"What were you thinking about anyways. Let me guess? Hmm how about how sexy I am?" Niall said with a great amount sarcasm.

"Sorry but let me think about!! I was just thinking about how stupid you would look in a dress that's all." I said hitting his stomach. Damn his stomach is tone. He must work out.

"Well I don't think a dress would be able to handle all of this." Niall's said lifting his shirt up just enough to see a must I say toned 6 pack. I felt my cheeks flush red, but honestly I don't care it's not like he will ask my about them. Well at least I hope not.

"You like what you see??" Niall whisperer taking a few steps closer and lifting his shirt down. Then whisperer in my ear, "Huh Rosy Posy?"

I pushed him back as hard as I could and whisper yelled," Don't ever call me that again and I have seen much better than those." My hands my a quick point to is stomach now covered by cloth.

"Ouch!! Rose that really hurt coming from you." Niall said putting his hand on his heart pouting like a baby.

With that I gave Niall the best fuck off smile I could and walked away. Sometimes he can really get on my nerves.


Wow, Rose is just well wow. She takes my breathe away every single day. The moment she enters the room everyone's faces light up because she is just that beautiful. The past 3 weeks have been wonderful. Rose and my relationship has grown a lot. We are really really good friends now, but I'm not sure if I want to be friends. I'm pretty sure that I want to be so much more. I want to sweep her off her feet. I want to sing my feelings to her. But most of all I want to ask her on a date. It's just hard to believe that I have such strong feeling for her this early. How am I gonna ask her out hmm..... OOO I GOT IT THIS IDEA IS PERFECT!!

BOOM THERE YOU GUYS ARE!! What is Niall's idea to ask her out!! I guess your gonna have to keep reading to find out!!


Ok we will be updating our story every MONDAY




Also this story isn't just written by Me (Meredith) it's also written by my best friend Lizzy!! Just letting you guys know!





Love you guys!! And did you see my mean girl reference!! :)


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