Chapter 3

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•NIALL'S POV• (his dream)

"I love you and I will never leave you Niall. We are going to grow old together and have kids. I know that for sure we are souls mates. Nothing can make me leave you." Rose whispered in my ears.

Making me push her aways from me and say , "What the hell Rose. You left me without even saying goodbye. All you did was lie about all you just said. Your a self centered bitch and I don't want you around me anymore. Leave now!!!" I screamed in Roses face.

I woke up panting and covered in sweat. I looked around trying to find Rose until I realized everything that his happened was a dream. She wasn't here anymore, she had already left. I sat up and in the corner of my eye I saw her present to me. It was literally killing me I need to open that present. Its just sitting there and slowly murdering my heart. I grabbed the present pulling it close to me and holding it tight thinking that at one point this was in Roses hands. I started opening the present peeling the paper off slowly and carefully , when I saw a glimpse of what was inside. What the hell. It was a thing of CDs and a long note. The note must be the instructions but what up with the CDs. I pulled out the note and it read

Dear Niall,

This must mean I'm gone and you have finally decided to open my gift. You must be thinking "What the hell are the CDs for" right? Well each one is a video of me. I thought this would help so that you could sorta see me and hear me. It's probably sounds like a stupid idea but I really do hope it works. The videos are numbered from 1 to 10 each one stating the date and time to open them.

I didn't even finish the letter I just grabbed the first video and slid it into my TV. All of a sudden her face appeared on the screen. Her hair was pulled back into a messy bun and she was wearing a Nike sweat shirt and hollister shorts. Honesty she looked absolutely beautiful. She always looked beautiful no matter what she was wearing.

"Hey baby" she said with a huge smile on her face. Damn I already miss her.

She began laughing and said, "Man Niall I know you to well so I made sure not to put a date on this one because your not the type to finish things when you are excited. Well while I know your listening next time make SURE to follow the instructions."

Like and idiot I started saying, "baby I w-w" When I realized she couldn't hear me.

"I know your wondering why I decided to leave you now instead of when we die. Well I honestly believe that I have a good reason I just don't want to hurt you. So i think if I let you go now it will hurt less than have this happen later on in our lives."

I mean she did make a point but what is her good reason. Living with her grandparent isn't a reason so what is going on. There had to be another reason behind this.

"AWW baby I can almost hear you thinking this so I'm just going to say it now. There is another reason for me leaving other than my grandparents."

WHAT!!!!!! Ohhh my gosh there is another guy isn't there. I wonder what I did that would make her want someone else. We were perfect as far as I could see but maybe she didn't see things the same way as me.

With that though in my head I didn't realize the video go off. I looked back and her beautiful face was gone. I took the disk out and watched it over and over again looking for anything else that I missed or a way she said something. But I found nothing that could explain what was going on.

I looked at the date on the next cd! Holy shit 2 weeks from now. How the hell am I going to be able to wait 2 weeks. I decided that I was going to watch it anyways! Those instructions can just go to hell. She appeared on the screen again accepted this time her hair was down and curly. I always loved her hair like this. I can feel a hot stream down my cheek but I don't care.

"Gosh Niall I know it's not been 2 weeks so listen up. The suspense must be killing you but please wait 2 weeks to watch the rest of this video." She laughed! But at the end her voice got very stern. You could tell she mean it.

Lord I feel horrible. Man she knows me to well. I slid the video out of the player and put it back with the others. With that I fell back to sleep dreaming of the day I can see Rose again.

I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKE IT!! Comment what you think and follow us!! PLEASE!!


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