His Past VS Our Future

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  • Dedicated to Skyyler Blu' Azure

                                                                      HOW IT ALL STARTED


Just when I thought being a teenager COULDN’T be THAT complicated, things change up a little when I meet this guy. “He says he is ready, he wants this relationship.” I thought to myself. Is it true though? My name is Yvette; I am 16 and recently got in a relationship with an 18 year old. His name is Demitrius, he lives east of my city, and I am absolutely head over heels for him. We have known each other for over a year now, recently discovered our feelings for each other though. 

Before we got together he told me that he has had some bad experiences when it came to being in relationships. We talked and talked about how he had been hurt and how he did not really trust anyone anymore. Our conversations about his past tend to get really deep some times. They sometimes even get emotional for both me and him. So, let’s go back to before we were together. Demitrius went with my best friend Brittany. Brittany and I are really close. We have been friends for 12 years now. I honestly never would have thought that I and Demitrius would have EVER ended up together. The last I had heard from Brittany was that he was not too good of a person….

“He had me pinned down on my porch with his knees in my chest!” Brittany had said on the other line of the phone. She called to talk to me about her and Demitrius’ encounter. I could not believe what I heard! “Brittany, why in the hell would he do something like that?!” She said “I don’t know, we were talking, he was asking all of these questions and as he was asking them he was getting upset. I told him that I didn’t want to talk about it anymore. I tried to walk away then he grabbed my arm and pinned me down on my porch…” I thought this to be really bad. The way she expressed this to me was horrible. How could he do this? Be so aggressive because she didn’t want to talk? At this time I couldn’t do anything except say “I am so sorry Brit Brit…”

After this conversation Brittany and I didn’t talk for a month or so. When we finally got back in touch Brittany had told me that she and Demitrius had broke up. I asked her why; she never really gave me a valid reason as to why the relationship had ended. I was there for her regardless. Due to statuses on her Facebook, it was assumed that she had become pregnant as well. My mom Leandra and I would see things that pretty much lead to that conclusion. She never did confirm that she was pregnant though.

They broke up in April. Five months later is when Demitrius and I got back in touch and started talking. I get on my Facebook page and I see that I have new comments on my pictures that I uploaded earlier today. This week was spirit week and today was college day; the college I chose was Michigan State. I look and the comments are from Demitrius. He says how I look cute; I can’t help but blush, and reply with a thank you. This right here starts us in conversation. We totally have a whole conversation on my picture! The whole time I am thinking to myself He seems like a totally cool person. So, he asks me for my number so we can talk, I gave it to him. 

The next night we talked on the phone. My mom and I had got into it bad. She was threatening to call the police and send me away and everything. I came up to my room and lay on the floor. I was on the floor crying when Demitrius called me. He asked what was wrong and I told him what happened. We came to realize that our lives aren’t really that different. “We are pretty much living the same life” Demitrius said. That night he made me a promise. He promised that he would always be there for me, always here when I needed him, I could talk to him about anything and that that would never change as long as I did the same for him. I promised to do the same, right then and there I felt in my heart that I could trust him; I mean I had told him so much already and he STILL wanted to talk to me. 


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