Starting To Like Him

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                                                                        Starting To Like Him

September being the month, we continue to talk, he asks me questions and I ask him. We learn each other. We replenish our friendship. We also come to find out that we have feelings for each other. I personally tried my best to deny these feelings. Thinking to myself every time we talk, “This can’t be right! This just can’t be, he went and hurt my best friend, and I can’t believe I am even talking to him.” Yet, I never stopped; I just keep talking to him, liking him more and more each time. He has this way of making me believe everything he says, making me want to hear more, know more, and want more. 

I feel somewhat guilty of the little actions that we have partaken in. I have started talking back to Brittany now. She and I talk more and just to be sure I ask her more about her relationship with Demitrius. She says her and him are definitely over. I also had to nip this whole pregnancy thing in the bud. “Britt Britt, I have a serious question to ask you”, for some reason I get really bad butterflies in my stomach. I guess I just don’t want to offend her. “What is it?” she asked. “Well, some people think that based on some of the things on your Facebook and things that are said and going on, they think that you are pregnant? Is it true?” I am thinking to myself like OF COURSE she is going totally just come out and say “YUP! I am prego with my FIRST KID AT SEVENTEEN!” After thinking I realize the silence that had come upon us. Finally she asked “Who thinks that?!” I tell her a few people and ask again. Thinking totally that if she was she is going to deny it anyway… “No I am not.” Which is so what she just did. Knowing I already know. I think I know this girl better than she knows herself. She just totally lied to me though.

Brittany and I continue to talk on and off while Demitrius and I talk more and more every day. It got to the point to where Demitrius and I were talking all day almost. I guess this grew some problems with Brittany’s niece, Delilah. Delilah messaged me on Facebook asking me if I was trying to get with Demitrius. I mean at the time I wasn’t, sure I thought he was cute and there were things I was liking about him, but I was not too sure if I really wanted to be with him at the moment, so I told her so. “No I am not trying to get with him.” I replied. She basically started questioning me asking me WHY I was talking to him. ASKING ME WHY I AM TALKING TO SOMEONE? That is totally my business. “Why are you talking to my auntie’s ex then?” I sit there and look at the message….. Thinking that is none of your business. So I reply, “I can talk to whoever I want to talk to, who I talk to no matter who it is, is my business and my business ALONE! I was talking to him before he and Brittany broke up anyway. Not that that is any of YOUR business anyway.” At this point I am on the phone with Demitrius and I am telling him what is going on. He says that he cannot stand Delilah, She was the reason he and Brittany broke up the first time they broke up and got back together.

So, Demitrius and I are on the phone, waiting for her to reply. Every couple minutes he asks “Did she reply yet?” my answer, “No”. We continue to talk and finally after a while I got a reply back. “I really don’t care who you talk to! My auntie doesn’t want him anyway! You can have her leftovers! He isn’t anything; she said you like to get with her ex’s ANYWAY!” I tell Demitrius what she said, he laughs but is angry. “I am sick and tired of this bitch” he tells me angrily. I replied back to her message again. “If you did not care who I was talking to first of all then you would not have asked me if we were talking! Like I said it is none of your damn business. What we do is neither you nor Brittany’s business! Brittany said I always get her ex’s?! LOL that is hilarious! I have never! If Demitrius and I want to and do get together that has nothing to do with her! It doesn’t even matter though; you can mind your own and kiss my ass. :) Goodbye!” After sending this message I blocked her from my page. I did not have time to feed into her crap; she was trying to get into something that had nothing to even do with her at all.


Sorry my chapters are kind of short you guys. This actually first started out as a school assignment but I decided finally to extend it. Please be patient. :) Thank you! Much appreciated. <3

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