3: Loyalty

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Count Bleck marched towards his office, trying to keep his emotions in check. What she had said earlier... He knew it was true. There was still time to turn back, to find his heart again and cast away this façade. But how could he, when his heart was no more than a void of despair and grief?

He stopped in his tracks. Someone was sobbing. She was sobbing. He stood in the hallway debating with himself for what must have been minutes before he finally strode up to her door and raised his hand to knock. He listened for a moment before producing a dull clunk clunk clunk.

There was only the sound of crying. He swallowed and carefully cracked the door open. "Nastasia?" The crying cut off with an abrupt choking noise. "Nastasia, may Count Bleck come in?"

"Y-Yes, of course... Always..." came the shaky answer.

He paused, then delicately entered the room. He'd been right. Though she kept her head down, he could still see the faint mark of trailing tears on her cheeks.

He slowly sat down beside her and wordlessly wrapped his arm around her shoulders. She made a small sound of surprise and looked up at him questioningly. He didn't meet her gaze. "Count Bleck is... No... I am sorry for the way I acted earlier..." he muttered under his breath.

Nastasia blinked. "You don't have to apologize..."

"Of course I do. There is no excuse for treating you that way."

She bowed her head. "I-I shouldn't have brought it up..."

"No, Nastasia, you were right. I could stop this, but I simply don't have the heart to. I am weak, and Count Bleck is so strong..." he confessed, voice barely above a whisper.

The blue-skinned secretary, his closest friend, gently leaned into him and rested her head against his side. "You're anything but weak..." she murmured, thinking of all the long years they had spent together before her friend's spirit crumbled.

Count Bleck sadly shook his head. "I am only sorry I have dragged you into this."

Nastasia snorted. "Don't be. I will never leave your side, Blumiere," she said firmly.

"Oh, Nastasia..." The count closed his eyes, taking in her companionship. He turned and hugged her, stiffly standing and moving away after a few moments. He reflexively pulled down the brim of his hat, not moving until his emotions were in check. He glanced over his shoulder. She was still sitting there, her hands folded in her lap, and her crimson eyes cast downwards.

"I am so sorry..." he whispered with a soft sigh. He left the room without looking back again, a few tears of his own escaping. He knew that she loved him with all her heart, just the same way that he did with Timpani. It broke his heart, not being able to return her feelings. She deserved so much better than him. If only his fate could be different...

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