The Signs With Their Kids

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Aries: "Ah yes, 6 months... the perfect age for boxing classes."

Taurus: Uses a baby carrier on their teenager

Gemini: "Listen, I don't care about what you did at preschool today, lemme tell you about MY day"

Cancer: Rushes child to hospital when they stub their toe

Leo: Ready to beat the crap out of their child's bully

Virgo: Pulls out a calculus textbook "Alright, let me read you a bedtime story"

Libra: The mom in Stacy's mom

Scorpio: "A lullaby? Okay, 'Great big globs of goey, grimy golfer guts, mutilated monkey's feet, bloody little birdies feet, all these things make a delicious treat that you eat without a spoon!'" My mom is a Scorpio and sang this to me as a kid...

Sagittarius: Newborn vomits on shoulder "I thought I raised you better..."

Capricorn: "You're such a beautiful baby, not as pretty as me though, but we all can't be as blessed..."

Aquarius: Burns kid's homework "The apocolypse is coming, we must prepare."

Pisces: Sees baby sleeping "Why can't that be me?"

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