Chapter 4

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The car ride started a little quiet. To me, it was awkward, and I don't know why. Dylan and I have made out so many times before and couples sleep together everyday, so why was this awkward. Dylan interrupted my thinking by saying, "You look beautiful." I looked over at him and smiled a tiny bit. "Thank you." "Listen, I want to talk about last night," he said. Oh my gosh, thank goodness he brought it up! "Me too," I answered. "Well, I want to start off by saying, I can tell you're either feeling awkward, or sad, or some mix of it. But you shouldn't. We're the same couple we were, just a little different now. And I still love you," he said. That made me feel a little better honestly, and it was just a few words. "I love you too. And yeah, we're just closer now," I said, half reassuring myself. He grabbed my hand and kissed it. 

I still felt a little uneasy, but that was probably my stomach and the alcohol not mixing very well. I kept reassuring myself for most of the ride to IHOP, telling myself that I knew he wasn't a virgin when we got together, that me not being a virgin anymore didn't matter too much, and that me and him are just deeper in love now. After a little while, I began to relax and enjoy the ride some. 

We got to IHOP and went in. Emily and Alex were already there, sitting at a table for four. We sat down, talked, ate, laughed, and had a nice breakfast, but Emily kept giving me stares that I kept ignoring. 

When we got back to the beach house, Emily and I grabbed our stuff, said by to our boyfriends, and got in her Jeep. She pulled out and said, "Alright, spill now." I told her everything, from what we did, to my awful hangover, to my remorse, to the way I feel now, which is actually kind of elated. She sat there in silence, and finally said, "Well damn. I didn't think you'd actually do it. And are you sure you're actually okay with this?" she asked. I nodded and smiled, then turned up the radio. I was ready to stop thinking.


"Hey mom," I said, trying to hurry to my room. "Hey Sophie, come here," she said, beating me to it. I walked back down the two steps I managed to get up and went over to the couch she was sitting on. "Yeah?" I asked. "Look what came in the mail," she said, waving some pictures we got done in the air. "Cool, is that all," I said back. "For crying out loud Sophie, I haven't seen you all night and I want to know how the party went. Is that too much to ask?" she replied. I felt a little bad. "No mom, I'm sorry. The party went great, that's the best way I can explain it." "Anything new?" "No mom, just had fun with friends." "Alright. Well me and your dad are going out to dinner tonight. You can go out, call in pizza, whatever." "Okay. Thanks mom." With that, I turned around and hurried up the stairs to my room. 

I decided to order pizza and watch American Horror Story for the night. Normally when they "go out to dinner," in turns into them also going to the bar and having to get a motel room for the night, which was just fine with me.  It was about 8 o'clock when the pizza came. I curled up on one of the downstairs family room's couches and turned on my favorite season of the show, Asylum. I jumped when my phone rang half-way into the first episode. "Hello?" I answered with a mouthful of pizza. "Hey babe," I heard Dylan say. I swallowed quickly and said, "Hey, what's up." "Oh nothing, just bored, wanted to see what you're doing." "I'm eating pizza and watching Netflix," I laughed, "Want to come over?" "Sure, I'll be there soon," he said and hung up. I put the pizza on the coffee table and got up to get him a cup of Pepsi. 


The doorbell rang and I got up and answered it. It was Dylan, like I thought, but I had an umbrella with me because American Horror Story was making me paranoid. He laughed when he saw it and kissed me hello. I motioned towards the soda and pizza I laid out for him and he said," Aw you shared your food with me! You must actually love me," he said, as I punched his arm. We sat down and watched the show as he ate. Then we cuddled. Then we kissed. And the next thing I know, we were both struggling to make it up the stairs while making out. 

When we made it to my bed, we both flopped on it, and Dylan pulled his shirt off. I pulled off mine too, and he started kissing down my stomach. He slipped his hand into my leggings and started fumbling with his zipper as I started to moan. "Stop," I said suddenly, pulling his hand away and surprising both of us. "Is everything okay?" he asked, confused. "Yeah, I just don't know if I'm ready for this," I said back. "Soph, we did this last night and you were okay with it." "Yeah we did Dylan, but I was drunk. I'm sober now," I said a little angrily. "Sophie, baby, I'm not trying to hurt you here at all. I love you and you love me. I just thought you might want to. If you don't, I get it. We can just go watch TV again," he said, getting off of me. "No," I said pulling him back, "I do want to." I kissed him again and pulled off my leggings.


I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed. Dylan left last night when we were done, I cleaned up the pizza, and fell asleep on the couch downstairs. I checked my phone and had two messages from mom, one saying they were staying at a motel that night, another saying that they would be home around dinner time. It was 10 am. 

I got up, ate some cereal, and got ready for my day. When I was done getting dressed, I called Emily. "What the hell are you doing calling so early," she grumbled at me when she finally picked up. "Its like 11 now, get ya booty up girl," I said, loud enough to make her groan. "Listen, I had a late night with Alex, so I'm a little tired," she whined. "Yeah, well I had a late night with Dylan, but I'm not complaining," I said back. "Hold up," she said quickly,"You did it again??" "Yeah, and it was great," I said back. "Dang kid. Are yall at least using a condom?" she asked. I began thinking and got a little worried. "No we, didn't," I finally said. "Well, ya might want to," she said back. "Okay, we will. I'm coming over, so get decent," I said and hung up. 

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