five ↠ party time

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and i've had one too many
but you're the only one
on my mind
Pentatonix | Misbehavin'

Scott Hoying's POV

"Mitch!" I exclaimed in his office. He gave me a weird look, "Yeah?"

"We should do something tonight after taking pictures," I smiled as a tiny blush was creeping up my neck.

I could tell he was going to blush, "Uh, yeah. A club maybe? I don't know—haven't been to one in a while."

I smiled, "Yeah, that's completely fine."

He nodded with a smile, "Alright. Text me when and I'll text you where."

I nodded, leaving his office and heading for my own.


Mitch Grassi's POV

I left my office when I got a text from Scott.

How about we start taking pics around 6 and in an hour if we're done we can go to the club

I smiled.

sure. there's a nightclub up here. it's called Chardonnay


I sent him the address and I couldn't help but grin. I left and noticed it was nearing 6, so I got to my house immediately.

The first thing I did when I arrived after awhile of driving was shower.

I walked up to my bathroom and stripped, getting in the warm water. I thought for a while.

What'd happen there? We get drunk off our asses and then what? What if we do something we'd regret the next day? Oh, God, would if one of us end up having a one night stand? I hope not.

I felt a small pang in my stomach thinking of that. I really hope not.

I got out once I was done, changing into black skinny jeans, a red sweater and I fixed my wet hair. I noticed 6 was about 20 minutes away, so I slipped on my shoes and texted Scott to tell him what the destination was next.

we can probably take pictures of the sunset (if u want) and Kaplan's Magazine's place because tbh it's super pretty during sunset

Within a minute, his reply came.

of course. meet you there. xx

I left after that small conversation and headed to the building. The sunset was gonna hit in what I assume, fifteen minutes.

Suddenly, my phone was ringing and I checked the caller ID. Kirstie.

I answered, "Hello?"

"Mitchy!" Kirstie's voice exclaimed. "We should hang out tonight."

I sighed, "I can't. I'm going out with Scott for the project we're working on. Plus, we're going to a club afterwards."

I knew she was smirking, "So you're going out on a date?"

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