When it Happened *2*

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"What do you mean here?" I questioned, even though I knew what she meant. My parents had come to visit. They don't usually visit, but when they do I dread every moment of it.

Me and my parents don't really get along. Especially me and my mom. When I first started to become famous I kept it a secret from them as long as I could. I kept my YouTube account hidden from them so they could never discover what I did in my spare time.


I would constantly upload new videos of me singing songs I have written, and even ones I haven't but did covers of. No one knew this except all of my subscribers. At first it started out as only a few, and then it was like they just started to pour in. Hundreds and then thousands of people were waiting for me to start uploading more singing videos and it felt great.

It was as if my life started to have actual meaning. Once I began reading all the comments I felt a real purpose to my existence. People were commenting how they know I'll become famous  or your voice is so unique. To read all of those comments made me feel special.

Coming from a large town, you have less of a chance of someone recognizing you. So while I was uploading videos of me to YouTube I didn't have to worry. No one even knew my name at my school. I was what people call a loser. No one asked how my day was, no one even took their time to even glance at me. So I knew I would be safe.

But once I got that phone call every person in the making wants, I knew that that might change. I got signed to a record label almost immediately and was told I needed to start putting together my first album.

My parents were soon thrown into the mix once I had to start signing contracts. They weren't too happy about the fact that I had never mentioned my singing to them and almost didn't even sign the contract. In fact they didn't even want to support me or encourage my talent. I practically forced them to sign the piece of paper.

No actually I totally forced them. I used the one thing I knew would work into guilting them into putting their practiced signatures on the contract.

Once the papers were signed I started to get to work. I had soon had half of my album written and recorded and they released my first single. It soon was able to find as the first item to click on if you Googled my name or the name of the song. Then it became a suggestion while typing into the Google search bar when you typed something close to the names. And by that time it had already been number one on the charts for six weeks straight.

People loved me and more and more people were listening to my song.

Which meant that people at my school had begun to listen to it too.

Soon enough I surely got noticed and people started trying to suck up to me. It was as if someone with a giant spot light began to follow me everywhere I went.

All the girls wanted to be me and all of the boys wanted to get with me. I loved it, however my parents did not. They soon took me out of school. All of my pleads and attempts to try and guilt them again made no difference because their minds were made. They absolutely hated all the attention I got back home. We would get stopped in the supermarket and pretty much everywhere else we went.

So when the record label told me and my parents I would have to tour to promote my now finished album and my parents surprisingly jumped at the idea. Did this make me happy? No, not at all.

I have known from the start that the only reason they "allowed" me to do this tour is because they don't like all the attention drawn to them when they're seen with me. Even though they never said it that is why, I can always tell. That's why I also know this visit of theirs will be the same as all the others.

Short, boring, and full of arguments. Our visits also consist of what feels like fake "I love you" 's and awkward hugs and kisses.

As I greeted my parents with the same old, "Hey mom, hi dad." I noticed a look on their faces that seemed way too familiar as if they came to tell me bad news.


**This chapter is definitely much longer than the last one.

Please tell me what you think! I would love to know what you guys think, good or bad!

See ya next update! Xoxo**

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