When it Happened *4*

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** Don't worry this whole part isn't an author's note, it is actually an update!

I just wanted to warn people that in this chapter I will be going to explain how Michael died and the "incident" and it will probably get pretty graphic. SO IF YOU AREN'T COMFORTABLE WITH THAT THEN I GUESS YOU CAN SKIP TO PART 5. So I guess sorry for the inconvenience.

So without further ado please enjoy the chapter below!**

Scrolling through my Instagram feed, I wondered what in the world was taking Michael so long. It was starting to get cold outside and I had forgotten my jacket on my bed as I rushed out the door. All so I wouldn't be late.

Although now that I think about it, it probably wouldn't have much of a difference seeing as Michael is choosing to be late.

I was currently sitting in our special place. A place where we spend more than half of our dates at. Our place is on a small hill that sits above our town. The place we always choose to sit or lay is close by to a trail. There isn't usually a whole lot of foot traffic, just the occasional joggers, hikers, and homeless people. I've always wondered why there is never more people seeing as the reason Michael and I love this spot so much is because of the view.

The view is an over view of the city below. You can see practically every building and street from the spot which is amazing seeing as we live in such a large town. Another reason we love our spot is because of the openness. In a large town everything feels so close together, and it makes you feel like you can't breath. So I guess our spot is where we like to do our breathing.

I finally decide to put my phone away and start to take in the familiar scenery. I take a deep breath, and breath in the chilly air.

"Hey sweetheart, you look like you could use somethin' to warm you right up." As if I wasn't cold already, I froze even more. The person who said this definitely wasn't Michael, and it was way to late to go for a jog or hike.

"U-u-um... no thank you... I'm fine." I've never been good with people or confrontations, but I got a strong vibe and feeling this man did not have good intentions.

"Sugar, it wasn't a question." As he said this he made his way towards me, which made me shoot up immediately from fear. "Where ya goin' darlin'?"

At that statement I began to run as fast as I could, forgetting about everything else that mattered. I reached the start of the path in a matter of seconds and started to make my way down the hill. I had no idea if the man was still following me or not, but I didn't care because I wouldn't be sticking around to find out.

Then again, maybe I would be. As my foot collided with the tree root that was barely sticking out of the path, my body flew forward and towards the ground. I instantly screamed in pain, sure something must be broken. I tried to move my leg but it felt like a thousand tiny daggers were shot right into it. So, I settled for crawling off the pathway into the nearby bushes, hoping the strange man wouldn't see me if he followed me.

To much of my dismay, I heard him call out, "Now didn't anyone ever teach you it wasn't polite to run away from people? How rude... Seems to me like I'll have to teach ya a lesson."

Now I knew for sure he did not have good intentions, or to even help me up. So, I did the one thing I knew I could do. I screamed for dear life.

"HELP! HELP! HELP ME PLEA-" I didn't even get the chance to finish my plea as a hand was slapped onto my mouth and a large rock quickly smashed into the side of my head.

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