Chapter 10

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Two weeks had passed since Zayn discovered my secret. We had grown closer between that time. We've been texting none stop and he even eats lunch with my friends. Hazel and Faith found out what happened at the game, minus the tail part, and are fully dedicated to getting Zayn and I together. I was in my bed, staring up at the ceiling, smiling at the thought of Zayn.

"Avery!" My mother yelled form the bottom of the stairs. "Someone's here for you."

I proceeded down the hall and saw Zayn standing at the bottom of the stairs with my mom. She would be drowning me with questions once he left. We walked to my room where we proceeded to do even more research about mermaids. My laptop was propped up on my bed with Google open.

"Welcome to my hideaway." I said and gestures to my room.

"Cozy." Zayn said with that charming smile of his.

"Alright, I did a little research before you came over and didn't really find anything new." I said and faced the screen towards him to examined.

"Maybe try searching the more mythical side of mermaids. Ancient stories and stuff like that."

"That could help. Thanks." I said.

"Have you tried swimming with your tail yet?" Zayn asked and sat down next to me.

"I've been so focused on finding a way to get rid of my tail. That never really crossed my mind before." I shrugged and watched as Zayn set my laptop aside before heading for the door.

"Where are we going?


"This is my hideaway." Zayn said and parked the his car. We were outside of a two story yellow house. The front was adorned with flowers and a cute porch with one rocking chair.

Zayn walked through the house to the siding glass door that lead to the backyard. He hailed it open and it was beautiful. We were greeted by a huge open field with a lake at the edge of the woods. The sun shimmered against the water as it rippled from the wind.

"It's time for you to give that tail a try." Zayn said and grabbed my shoulder.

"What if someone sees?" I asked.

"My parents are on a business trip and there's at least a mile of woods separating us from the neighbors." Zayn explained and walked closer to the pond. I slipped off my shoes and loudly sighed. I was afraid of trying to swim with my tail. What if I sink to the bottom and drowned?

"Are you nervous?" Zayn asked and glanced into my eyes.

"Maybe," I admitted and Zayn's hand slipped into mine, giving it a quick squeeze.

"I won't let anything happen to you." He reassured me and pulled his hand away.
I sucked in a big breath of air and dived straight into the water.

Bubbles ingolfed me as I shot into the cold pond and my tail appeared. It wasn't as heavier as when I was on land. I flicked my tail up and down and I neared the surface. Zayn was staring down at me with a huge smile. He knew I needed to have a little fun. I dived back under and swam fast with ease. It was like I belonged in the water. I inhaled and my lungs were filled with water but I could breath.

"I can breathe underwater!" I cheered once I broke the surface and Zayn chuckled at my excitement.


Perrie's P.O.V

I knocked impatiently on the wooden door but there was still no answer. I needed to talk some sense into Zayn. Breaking up with me for that tramp wasn't his smartest move. We were meant to be and I wasn't going to let Avery get in the way of that.

"Zayn," I called and knocked once again. "I know you're in there, your car's here."

I tapped my foot and glanced over my shoulder to make sure nobody was watching and turned the nob. The door propped open and I smiled to myself. Zayn never remembers to lock the front door.

"Zayn?" I shouted and stepped inside before shutting the door quietly behind me.

My heels clicked against the wood floors as I crept around the house. I searched everywhere and couldn't fine Zayn anywhere. I was about to give up when I spotted him outside by the pond. I thought he was alone until Avery's head popped up in the lake. Anger boiled in my veins as I watched her with Zayn. I was about to barge out there when I saw a flash of gold. Avery flouted on the surface of the water on her back with a tail?!?

I gasped and blinked rapidly, trying to justify what I was seeing. I pulled out my phone and snapped a few pictures before going to my car. Avery was fish. I knew something was off with her. She belongs in some freak show or laboratory. A light bulb went off in my head. This tail could be just what I need to get Zayn back.

Avery would be sleeping with the fishes soon.

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