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//just a quick note from the author,
1. Don't steal my work. I have worked very hard on writing this and it means a lot to me that it stays my own creation.
2. This story will take place describing Jack's emotions only, unless there is, of course, a point of view change, though this will be written in third person.
3. They'll be teenagers and juniors in high school, aged as Jack being 16, and Mark being 17, though that won't really make a huge impact on the story itself.
4. Mark's messages will be in bold, and Jack's messages will be underlined and italicized.

Let's begin//

Hey. Wanna chat?

Jack had received a message from someone anonymous on his kik. He was confused. The only thing he could think of to put as a response was this:

Who are you?

He received a response almost immediately.

That doesn't matter. Let's just say you and me already know each other, but we don't talk much.

Thanks for the help!

Enough with the sarcasm, babe. You'll find out who I am soon enough.

Jack was scared out of his skin. He didn't know who he was talking to, obviously.

Do you go to my school?

So many questions, Jack. Yes, you and I do happen to go to the same school.

Tell me who you are.

Soon enough, Jack. Soon enough.

Jack didn't respond, for he was too terrified to continue talking. The anonymous sender sent another message though.

How are you doing?

Fine... why do you ask?

Don't be scared of me, Jack. I really care about you. I just can't quite tell you who I am yet.

Tell me something about yourself.

Ah, well, I'm in a few of your classes. I wear glasses and have brown eyes.

There was a lot of people in Jack's classes with those same features. Jack was stumped.

I guess I can look past you not telling me who you are.

Thank you :)

What do you like to do?

Play video games. I play some sports at school but I'm not as enthusiastic about them as people think I am. I actually hate sports.

Then why play them? If you're doing it for popularity, that's stupid. Why do something you hate when you can be involved in something entirely different that you adore?

This is one of the many reasons why I like you, Jack. Because you care. Unlike those other pricks out there. You're different.

Jack blushed. What? I can't like this person... I don't even know who they are.

What's your gender? You never told me yet.

I happen to be a male, also interested in the male species. Most people do not know that fact about me. Very few have I told, my parents not included.

Why do you trust me?

Because I know that you won't tell anyone. It's not like you know me or anything. Oh wait, yes you do. ;)

Can you stop being so smug?

Can you stop with the questions, Sir Asks-A-Lot?


That's alright, babe. Hey, I've got to get to bed. I'll see you tomorrow at school, but you won't see me. ;)

Jack was astonished, confused, scared, and not willing to admit his newfound interest on this mystery boy.


My name is Emily, and welcome to this brand new story of mine!

I am SUPER excited to write this story, and I hope you're excited to read it!

I love all of you, and have a wonderful morning/day/afternoon/evening/night wherever you are! <3


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