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Mark had contacted the police about Jake's father the next day around ten a.m. Jake was planning on going home that day, but the police were going to his house.


There was a knock on the door at Jake's home. Adam opened up the door. He'd just woken up shortly before.

"Police," The female police officer said, showing her badge.

"Uh, how can I help you, officers?" Adam asked nervously.

"We got a call earlier that you've been abusing your child," The male officer said, "Is this true?"

"O-Of course not!" He said a little too quickly, "Who would do such a thing?"

"Where is your son?" The female officer, Officer Rose said.

"Hell if I know," Adam muttered under his breath, "Uh, he left yesterday with a friend of his."

"Any particular reason why he left?" Officer Dean, the male officer said.

"I don't fuckin' know," Adam said, lying. He knew Jake left because of his abuse, but he didn't care.

The officers asked him a few more questions, then Officer Dean finally asked, "How about we give your son a call to come over here?"

Adam chuckled nervously, "S-Sure."

Adam gave the police Jake's phone number, and they called him. He answered, and they asked him to come home.

He obliged, and Mark drove him. Jack sat in the back. Mark and Jack would be staying in the car until they, too, were questioned.

Jake got out of the car, his bruises more visible than the day before.

"Jakob," Adam said, "Where the hell were you?"

"Don't talk to me," Jake spat.

"Who hurt you?" Officer Rose said, though she already knew the answer.

"He did. My dad," Jake answered, "He beats me a lot, but he drinks even more. Ever since mom's been dead, he's been getting drunk every night and taking out his sadness and rage on me!"

"That's not true!" His father screamed, approaching Jake and attempting to hurt him right in front of the cops.

Officer Dean held him back, "We need to take him in."

"Agreed," Officer Rose said. Handcuffs were put around Adam's wrists and he was put in the back of the police car.

"You're gonna be alright, Jake," said Officer Rose.


A couple weeks went by and Adam was arrested for child abuse. Jake was put into foster care.

He still went to the same school. A family brought him in, but they were from the same town, so he didn't have to switch schools.

His new family was much kinder. They had a nicer, cleaner and larger home.

They already had a child, a daughter named Skye who was ten years old.

Jake was sixteen, nearly seventeen at that, and his foster parents had wanted a teenager boy specifically.

They were very nice people, and good to Jake.

Jake was finally happy.


Jack face planted into his bed when he and Mark got home from school on a Friday. He groaned, "Mom is coming back tomorrow. You'll have to leave."

Mark sighed, then sat next to Jack. Jack lay his head on Mark's lap, facing up to look at the ceiling.

"I don't want you to leave," Jack said, "Stay."

"You know I can't," Mark said, "I don't want to either, but I have to. I'm just scared to face my parents."

Mark's parents had called again, a couple times since the first call. He'd inform them that he'd be coming home the next day. His mother was happy, but his dad - not so much. His father was more angry at Mark than his mother was for being gay.

"You'll be okay," Jack said.

"Okay," Mark said, leaning down and kissing Jack. Jack let out a little chuckle afterwards.

"How did I get so lucky?" Mark asked shortly following the kiss.

"I ask the same question everyday," Jack said, "I love you so much, Markimoo."

Mark laughed at the nickname, and came up with one for Jack right then and there, "I love you so much, too, Jackaboy."

They kissed again.

As for Ashley - the girl that kissed Mark a couple weeks before. Well, Mark told her off. Jack was with him, and she was irritated with them, called Mark a couple of names, slapped him, then walked off with her friend, and after that, there was no more drama with her, which both Mark and Jack were happy about.

Everything seemed to be going their way. They were happy.

/a/n So, the next chapter will probably be the last one.

I know, I know, I don't want it to end either, but I can't keep this going forever. I love this story so much, but my writers block is crazy and I'm completely out of ideas. I might make a sequel to this, but as of now, I'm not 100%. But if I do happen to make a sequel, would you read it?

But yeah, anyways.

If you liked this chapter, punch that vote button in the face, like a boss!

And as always, I will see you in the next chapter.


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